Chapter 21: Fight

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Song for this chapter is Strike Back in English version

I hit him and he slides back.
"See (Y/N) you b-"
I jump up and did a double kick but he blocks and grabes one of my legs. I then twist able to use my other free leg to push myself off the ground and kick him right in the face.
"I'm gonna rip you apart."
He growls and goes to hit me I block it with both of my Tessens he pushes my Tessens down and punches me right in the face. I'm sent flying backwards but is caught. I turn to see Raph.
"Raphael your ok! "
"Yes and now so is Slash and Rockwell."
I nod and the turtles, mighty mutanimals ,and I circle Shredder.
"YOUR DEAD!" I yelled as I ran towards Shredder.
I threw my Tessen at him he doudged it as he did Donnit hit him across the face making him stumble back. Mikey then jumped up and threw his nunchuks at him (you know how mikeys nunchuks turn into a chain.)Shredder catches the chain and throws him into Donnie. Pigeon Pete flies at him but is grabbed and thrown. Then I get a boost from Slash and I kick Shredder right in the face as Leatherhead goes to hit him but Shredder dodges his attack and in retaliation starts hitting Leatherhead multiple times in the stomach before knocking him back.
Leo and Raph attack him from one side as I and Slash from the other. Slash's weapon is grabbed by Shredder and he is kicked in the side and then in the stomach then is sent flying back.
Raph and Leo both attack him they get an advantage but soon lose. Then it's just I and Shredder.
"You breaking your old mas heart (Y/N)"
"Shut up! Let us end this now."
"Got your mom's spirit and my f-" "DONT EVER COMPARE ME TO YOU!" I yelled.
I ran at Shredder swinging my Tessens to the side and trying to hit him. He blocked and threw one of my Tessens away. I growled and he went to kick me but I blocked or and punched him . He then narrowed his eyes at me.
"Now why didn't you fight like this,(Y/N), for your friends. They might have still been alive."
My eyes widen and soon turned to eyes of hate to my 'Father'.
I then went head first and went to hit him. He kicked me in my stomach and I fell back. Is this the end. I thought as I saw him raise his blade up to finish me. I closed my eyes and waited. But I then felt something drip on me. And I heard a person scream.
No...oh God please I hope it isn't...
"CASSIE!!!" I yelled as it was her blood and her scream I felt and heard. But a hand grabbed me and I was being pulled away.
"CASSIE NO!! CASSIE" I turn see Raph holding my hand and running. The last thing I saw was Cassie smile and then mouth 'I forgive you,(Y/N)' Right before her eyes closed and then Shredder with his mutants dragging my dead team away ...I then looked away as we ran off. ...Shredder ...he... he just killed my Family again... what am I gonna tell The Resistance? I felt tears running down my face and I stoped as we got on a roof top. I falling to my knees and looking up at the sky and started screaming while tears ran down my cheeks stinging and burning my eyes.....

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