Chapter 61: Mona Lisa/A New Task

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A couple of weeks have past since we was picked up on Earth. We now crash landed on a planet that is frozen. And are air is running low. We also lost an important piece. But explaining that later I feel a voice calling me out. I get my new suite on and sneak out. I run throughout the frozen planet. I come across a cave. I slowly walk in and look around. I hear foot steps behind me. I take my tessens out and turn to strike the person. But my wrist is grabbed. I sigh
''Luke you idiot! I could have hurt you!"
"Nah, I could have stoped you" He smirks and then looks at me serious "Why are you out here? "
"I felt...something calling me..." I sigh and look away "Maybe I'm going crazy." He shakes his head "I don't belive that. So it lead you to this cave (Y/n)?" I nod. I walk deeper into the cave and find a bigger opening. I see a glowing object hovering offer in the distance. I slowly walk to it but Luke takes my hand "Don't." I ignore him and go closer to it. It glows brighter and then shows a hologram. It is of a woman. She looks a lot like me but older.
"I'm glade you found this. I'm from the future like the Fugitoid. Except my mission is different from yours. You must give this to the Fugitoid and go off this task and to a new one. I'll met you shortly but you need to hurry back to not cause trouble in the time line. " It gose off and a blue ball falls to the ground. I pick it up and look at Luke. He looks shocked like me.
"We need to hurry."
-Back With The Turtles-
As I run back I see Raph and the others. They are laying down. "What the-" I start to feel dizzy myself. The air is going out. Fugitoid helps us all in and fixes the air supply. I groan lightly and sit up. But I look over to see Raph with another person. A female. A lizard. I growl lightly but listen to what he says.
He gets close to her. "You know on Earth there is a girl. She is the prettiest thing you ever seen. Her name is Mona maybe I could call you that."
My eyes widen as I see them kiss. Raph liking it. I turn away and walks to Fugitoid and give him the blue ball that appeared. Then a new message was to him. Giving us directions to a planet near by.
"I guess we should...Ok the others left and now we can go!" He said and headed to the planet. Raph walked up to me but I walked away and to Luke. I was sad mad about to cry. Luke looked at me
"I heard what Raph said to that girl. I don't understand how he can fall for her when your the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!" I blushed at his words and looks away "Not what Raph thinks..."
-Time Skip To The Planet-
We walked off the ship. Me by Luke and far away from Raph. As we walked they would stop and stair at me. Some whispered
'Its the Queen!'
'The Angel from the sky!'
I was confused and uncomfortable. We kept walking till we made it to a small house at the edge of the village. We entered to see a future version of me.
"Well well never thought I'd see you all again. " The older me says and looks at the people around me.
"Why are you... so different?" Casey asks.
"Seen lots of things kid. Been lots of places too. I'm here because as you fix this time you mess something up causing an even bigger problem. You in?"
We nod.
"Good," The older me stands up", We will st-" My older self didn't get to finish as the wall was busted into by a jet black ship. We all stood up slowly as creatures with black fur,red eyes,horns ,and a wolf like human body walked out,almost looking like they was creatures from hell.
"Damnit" Older me mumbled. They then another comes out but is taller then the others. A eyes is also missing. Instantly knowing he is the leader
He snarls at me. "So this is your younger self?!" He Laughs and looks at older me. She growls. "We will destroy you! "
"No you won't" He walks over to be and sticks a gun to me head. "I kill this you won't exist."
Then suddenly the older me ran at the creature,clashing in a battle. Then I saw as if she glowed. The wolves howl in fear and ran quickly back into their ships and rushed off. We staird at her for a moment.
"That was Kina...He is...a hybrid. We face far more stronger enemy's then him and this is where the story begins."

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