Chapter 54: Tale Of Time Part 3

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Theme song for this Chapter 'Be As One' In English.

We were walking through the wood when all of the sudden we are surrounded by ninja.

"That symbol...Guys I think-" Donnie was cut off by a man walking inbetween the ninjas...
"Shredder..." I whispered lowly.
He looked at us shocked.
"Tapay..." He whispers. Shredder then goes to attack but Raph throws a smoke bond and we all run off.
We stop and take a rest.
"That was Shredder?" Luke asks as we nod.
"So we must be-"
"In Japan...but how far.." Leo finished off my question.
"Well we know it's before the Hamato clan was extinct." Donnie said.
"Why don't we find Splinter then?" Mikey asked.
We all blinked.
"Yeah come on!" Donnie said.

_At The Hamato Temple_
_3rd Person POV_

The turtles,(Y/n),and Luke slowly found the Hamato Temple. As they looked into the temple they saw two familiar faces. They all gasped seeing their Master Splinter , Hamato Yoshi, as a human.
"Freaky Master Splinter with no fur!" Mikey whispered yelled to the others.
They watched as Shredder,Oroku Saki was telling Master Splinter, Hamato Yoshi, of what he saw
"My my brother what has gotten into you!?"
"What?! I now I saw the Tapay,Yoshi! "
"Your crazy! That's just a legend we were told as kids!" Hanato Yoshi mocked.
They both got into fighting stances.
"Begen!" Yelled Their Master .
As they fought Oroku Saki began to speak.
"You don't care for Tang Shen do you? !"
"I love her!"
Yoshi said, defensively and both men getting angrier by the second.
"No you don't! Her or Miwa!" Saki yelled. They both charged at each other. They stoped suddenly as a one year old child stumbled in. The turtles, Luke,and most of all (Y/n) ,gasped as they saw who it was...
"Omg..." They whispered.
What they saw was a one year old (Y/n) crawling to her dad Saki. The Hamato clan was also tricked beliving Shredder saved (Y/n) as a baby.
"That's Me!" (Y/n) Yelled catching Saki and Yoshis attention. They quickly escaped to hid in the woods
We have to be in the past at exactly Six-teen years ago. (Y/n) thought to herself looking down.
"Hey you ok?" Mikey asked.
"Well at least we know how far back we are!" Donnie exclaimed. "Six-teen year exact." Raph added.
"What do we do know then guys?" Luke asked. They thought. "We need to wait for Renet to bring us back to the future. " Leo insisted and they all nodded.

_Later That Night In The Woods_

They all camped out. (Y/n) Sat in a tree thinking.
Even in the past I couldn't save my family...I'm so useless...I... I wish I was different. She felt her eyes sting and slowly she started crying. (Y/n) felt a hand on her shoulder.
"Raph..." She whispered. She needed Raph more than ever know. Someone who made her feel loved. She snuggled into his arms. "I'm here....I'll protect you." He said calmly. She teared up more. He made (Y/n)'s eyes look right into his neon green ones that made her melt. Her lips trembled. "R-Raphael...." She said softly before he leaned in and kissed her. She melted insistently into the kiss. He pulled back. "I'll be back soon the guys and I are gonna gather wood for tonight...I love you (Y/n)." He whispered into her ear. It sent chills down her spine as she felt his breath against her neck. (Y/n) nodded as Raph jumped down from the tree and went off with his brothers.

~Time Skip~

The turtles brothers and Luke return to (Y/n) who was sitting by a near by tree.
"What's wrong?" She asked standing up worrying something horrible happened.
"We are taking Shredder down!" Leo yelled totally mad.
"Or we can talk to Tang Shen ask her to pick Splinter and not Shredder!" Raph insisted.
"What happened? !" (Y/n) Yelled, and they all turned their attention to her.
"We ran into Tang Shen and Karai...or in this case Miwa ,in the woods. She thought we where gonna attack her! Then out of no where Shredder came... He saved her. Then said he changed and for her to take him back...."Luke said really fast.
"So we talk to Tang Shen?" I asked. They nodded.

~Time Skip To The Next Morning~

In the morning the turtles, Luke,and (Y/n) set off in search for Tang Shen. They eventual found her in the woods. She wasn't alone. To their surprise not only did she have young Miaw but also one year old (Y/n).
"Ok let's go." Leo whispered.
They all jumped down Tang Shen was of course frightened and held Miwa close to her and held young (Y/n) close to her leg
(Lets say you can walk already.)
"We just want to talk!" Leo pleaded trying to get her not to scream. Then the youngest brother,Mikey,started dancing while humming. (Which I thought it was awesome if you noticed he was humming 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' over and over.)
The others were confused but it made Miwa ,and little (Y/n), smile and giggle.
"Are you all Tapays?" Tang Shen asked,now feeling more comfortable. They all nodded.
"Well then...Follow me."
Tang Shen lead them to a house not far away.

_(Y/n) POV_

We arrived at Splinters house and went in behind Tang Shen. Leo held Karai or Miwa. One year old me stood by Shen, as she was cutting up cucumbers,and was staring at Raph. I then saw little me wobble my way over to where Raph was standing.
(I'm gonna say 'Little me' for the past you.)
Little me looked up at Raph and smiled "T-Turl!!" Was all I could say. Raph then keeled downed and picked me up.
"Aww so cute..." I heard Raph whisper as he was holding me as a child. I blushed.
"Here." Tang Shen Said,and walked into where we were standing and handed us cucumbers.
"My grandmother told me of the legend of the Tapay.... How a girl found it. She feed it cucumbers...and in return the Tapay warned her of a horrible future for village. The girl and her village was save all thanks to the Tapay." She said.
I then glanced back over seeing little me staring into Raphs neon green eyes with his red mask around it. I gasped. No way...that's impossible...
"What is it?" Raph whispered,and walked over to me still holding little me as the others was trying to convince Tang Shen that Splinter was the right person to choose and not Shredder.
"Its....just..." I was afraid to tell him. He looked at me.
"Just what- Oi!" He laughed a little as little me pulled on his bandanna stings.
"Its..just...a vision."
"You had one now? "
"No...I mean I'm remembering one."
"It of?"
"(Y/n) tell me."
"I will later...Shen listen Hamato Yoshi is the right man for Miwa to be raised by. He will lover her." I joined the conversation so avoid Raph.
"Here let me give you more cucumbers..." She also changed the subject.
We all sighed.
I began to think again. I has a vision of Raph a while back before I knew who he was and what the vision ment. And now I think I figured it out. The way little me looked right into his eyes. The vision must have been telling me I was gonna met him again...
(If you remember in Chapter 1 or 2 you remember a vision of neon green eyes with red around them...)

~Time Skip~ (So many damn time skips!!)
_3rd Person POV_

It was late that night and the turtles along with Luke and (Y/n) decided no matter what they had to stop Shredder. They waited after Shredder went to attack Splinter when they dealt with the Foot Clan. After easily defeating them they went towards Splinters house.
"Guys...THATS SMOKE!!" (Y/n) Yelled. They all started running. They got to the burning house to see Tang Shen running in. "NO!" They called but was to late. Then a cry was heard. Two...(Y/n) Looked over to see her young self crying while holding into Miwa/Karai.
The turtles and others rushed inside to help. Shredder was gone. They pulled the fallen wood off of Splinter and Tang Shen. Splinter was alive...but...they saw Tang Shen and gasped. It was to late... They ran out of the house just to get a glimpse of Shredder leaving with Miaw now named Karai and (Y/n). They went into the woods and watched till Splinter woke up. He jumped to his feet and looked at the burning house he called home. Him believing his daughter and wife are dead ,and really only his wife is.
"NO MIWA TANG SHEN!!!!!" He yelled crying. They all turned their heads away hating to see the pain their Master is in.

_(Y/n) POV_

The next morning after waking up a portal opened.
"I finaly found you!!" Renet said.
"Why did you leave is here?!" Raph yelled.
"It was the scepter wish....You had to be here to save Splinter so you all would be born." She explains.
"Just take us home." I mumbled.
She nodded. We soon arrived home it night.
"Well I hope I see you soon. Bye!" Then like she had suddenly came she was suddenly gone.
We all sighed. Man...seeing how it all went down changed a I was still to weak...

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