Chapter 32: Taking Down The Resistance Part 1

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Theme Song For This Chapter Attack On Titan Season 1 Opening 1 In English

"Taking The Resistance down won't be an easy job. We will need to fight with all our might. We have 4 teams with 4 members, including the leader, and only 7 of us... I want Leo and Raph to take the East Territory . Mikey and Casey the west. Donnie and April the south. I'll take the Middle."
I said and looked at them.
"Well then what? "Asked Leo.
"Well I remember Emma called a week ago on this exact day from the docks at 8 p.m and it's 7 p.m now so if you can to the East docks in an hour you could take Emma down. The others I'm not sure about their schedule. I only know their location." I say and hand them each a map.
"So what do we do if we beat them?" Donnie asks.
"I'm not sure...we will see. Try talking to them and if that don't work. Kick their butts."
"Got it."
I take a deep breath.
"Ready guys?" They all nodded and we ran out of the lair.

_In The South Territory_
_Donnie POV_

I and April made it to the South Territory.I pulled out the map scanning over it.
"Ok so here is a weak point in their defiance. We can get in from there."
She nods and we walk to the back of the building.
I was about to open the door before she stops me.
"Wait Donnie someone is on the other's a man." She whispers.
"What do we do then? Wait there is a window. Here I'll give Ya a boost April you climb through knock the guy out and then open the door."
"I don't know if I- "
"I belive you can." I say she smiles and blushes.
She puts a foot on my hand and I push her up so she can get to the window. She then jumps in and I hear a thump. Then the door opens and April smiles.
"Good work!" I whisper yell as we make our way throughout the building. We then make our way to the training room to see Mary.
I slowly walked out.
"Hello? "
She jumped and went to hit me but April blocked her hit with her weapon.
"How did you get in here?!"
"To stop you from killing your self. You see (Y/n)-"
"WHAT ABOUT HER?! She is trying to kill us isn't she?!" She interrupt me.
"No No not at all she saw a vision of the futuer. "
"I can trust her. No one can. " she threw her weapon and hit a button on the wall. Red lights went off and a loud noise.
Then the rest of her team ,and two other people came running in.
"Oh no..." April said as we both got into fighting positions.
"We run or stay and fight?" She asks. I shrugged. "Well, wait and see how they fight." I said and she nodes as they run at us. I and April ready for battle.

_10 Mins Later-
_Donnie POV_

I and April have been battling the South Resistance and are losing bad. April is hurt badly I'm running with her in my arms as they follow us I only know one place to go. The Middle Territory. Where (Y/n) is...

_In The West Territory_
_Mikey POV_

I and my awesome friend Casey Jones are heading to the West Territory to talk to Shara.
"We there yet?"
"For the millionth time Mikey No! " Casey yelled. I laughed. I love pestering him. He is a lot like my big brother. The awesome Raphael!!. We slowly make it to the building.
"We are what?" I said looking at the map. He looks at the map with me.
"Hey,Casey,Look here is a place where the guards aren't at. We can climb up the wall and then drop down into the building!" He looks at me and blinks a couple of times.
"Woah, that's an awesome plan, Mikey. "
"Its all my mad Ninja skills L.T.D Like a turtle do!" He laughs and then we make our way around the building. We climb up the building and jump down into the living room where the whole team is..."hehe hi.." I say and they jump up drawing their weapons.
The I see Shara. "Hey I just wanted to talk not fight."
"Yeah,like Casey says we came to talk it's important. " I say.
"Why?! Your friends with (Y/n) who is Shredders daughter. We can't trust her!!"She yells.
"No she isn't bad. She is confused. She saw a vision-"
"Listen here turtle we don't care she is a threat to us all. If she does see the futuer she can change it. Everyone is endanger. Shredder and (Y/n) need to be stoped. And soon that's what we will do!" Yelled a girl standing beside Shara.
"We won't let you kill her! Or even touch her!" I and Casey yelled.
Then Shara stepped forward.
"Than that makes you The Resistance's enemy." She then runs at us as her team follows. Casey and I draw our weapons and prepare for battle.

_15 mins later_
_Casey POV_

Mikey and me are losing badly. Mikey is having to fight with one arm. His other is badly hurt. "Come on Mikey!" I yell and start to run. He follows me and after him is The Resistance Shara leading. "Where are we goin'?!" He yelled asked. Only one place popped up in my mind..."To The Middle Territory!" I yelled and he nodded and we kept running.

_At The East Territory_
_At The Docks_
_Leo POV_

I and Raph just got here and it is exactly 7:55 p.m. We expect to see Emma run by anytime.

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