Chapter 5: Saving Splinter

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I ran right to Baxsters Stockmans liar. I jump up quickly pulling my Tessens out slicing both of the Footbots guarding the door.
"There now we-" I stoped as I saw a big shadow figure... "Shredder!" I yelled as we all turned around...and started laughing. "Omg look a little version of Shredder!!" Casey said and as soon as he did it attacked him. "Ahh!" Everyone yelled.
I was able to get the door open and we all jumped in and I closed it fast so the creature didn't get in. "Follow my orders... See splinter over there we need to move silently but quickly "
Weird someone giving me orders...I'm usally leader... I followed Leo and there was the rat again. "How do we get him out?" Asked Casey. "Here. " I said walking over to the lock pad. Please be the same numbers 4569001 ....
The door opened!
"WHAT IZ THIZ?!" (Trying to make fly sounds-_-)
I heard Baxter Stockman yell.
He then flew off to the control panel to switch the alarm telling shredder Splinter has escape
"Don't let him touch that!" I yelled as the four masked turtles sprung into action leaving me, April,and Casey with Splinter.
"WHAT THE SHELL" I heard Donnie yell as 4 mutants walked out all having shredders armor
"So that's what he was working on" I decided to help Raph given his opponent was the strongest out of all of them. I pulled out my Tessens and ran towards the mutant hitting it. "I got this" I said and as the mutant swung its hand at me I jumped on its arm and pushed myself off giving me the opportunity to strike it in the head I did causing it to stumble backwards. But, unfortunately it grabbed my arm and threw me against the wall. It went to hit me as I was getting up. I waited for the hit but it never came I looked up to see the giant rat Splinter kicking the mutant way from me and finishing it off. "Thanks..." I bowed my head as a thank you ,and he nodded.
We all ran back to the van. We got in and the driver, Casey, slammed the gas pedal down. I looked at Splinter "Uh...Hi my name is-"
I was cut off by Casey's scream. Tigerclaw was on the Van.
"Bye Bye Tigerclaw!" Mikey yelled as he pressed a button and a flame hit the giant cat knocking him off the Van. When we made it to the surface again Casey was able to drive normal speed. "So where to now?" Mikey asked. "We have no home." April added. "Maybe (Y/N) can take us to where she lives?" They all looked at me except for Splinter. "Don't pester the child. I want to thank (Y/N). Thank you for helping my sons and friends. "
"Yeah... your welcome always nice to see a family together. Happy.Loving....must be nice... anyways I know a place you can stay"
I took them to Ninas Pizza Place
I smiled a little at Mikeys comment.
"Well I'll be off...I'll check up with you all later. I need to get back team..." With that I jumped out the window, but someone followed me and that someone was...
"I just...wanted to say....Thanks. For helping me find my dad. Also saving my shell a couple of times..."
"Your welcome..."
"Listen we are probably gonna search for Karai later," he handed me a phone that looked like a turtle shell," It's a T Phone Donnie has my number in it and I have yours in my phone...So if I find anything out about...I don't know Karai or whatever I'll text you... or uhh we can just you know talk or stuff. "
"U-uh y-yeah that sounds great thanks Raph." I blushed deeply.
"Well see you soon (Y/N). " He said and winked at me. Woah...I Woah
I was totally speechless. He then smirked and went back into the pizza shop as I ran the roof tops back to my lair.

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