Chapter 36: The New Resistance/ Once Thought Dead

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Song for this chapter Fairy Tail opening 5

_Raph POV_
I see look at her eyes. She looks broken. I'm sorry but I had to...looks like she snapped out of it She falls to the ground and coughs out the worm I rush to her. She looks at me and moves away. "W-What have I done...Wait WHAT THE HELL AM I?!"

_(Y/n) POV_
I look at my self and I see a ugly monster.
"I'm a monster! "
" NO YOUR NOT!" I hear Raph yell. "Your (Y/n) ,My (Y/n), understand?!" I nod and lower my head. Ok think think turning into normal I want to turn back to normal. I feel my large cat teeth go and that my fur is gone as well as my tail. I look at Raph who looks in shock. "How?!"
"I don't know I thought about normal and I changed... i-..Luke? .....Blake?....Clara...Kt?! How your-"
Blake interrupted me.
"We aren't just a cover."
"Cover?!" I yelled
"Yes The Resistance was made long before us." That voice it's...
"They went insane. Don't worry I'll deal with them."
I nod and turn to see Karai,Liz, and, Clara was gone. I look at my old team I thought got killed long ago... I ran and hugged them all.
"I missed you..."I whispered.
"We are all sorry (Y/n)." Kt said.
"(Y/n) ,I love you." My face heated up. I liked Luke...but I have Raph now.
"I uhh-"
"I'm sorry I know you have Raph." I smile and nod. I turn to Fabian. "What now?"
"I'll deal with the old Resistance while this New Resistance gets adjusted. "
"New Resistance? !"
"Yep we need to go ,and I'll make sure we stay in touch we will need to work together in the futuer I'm sure of it. I nod and wave bye as I and the team walk back home. We get home and tell Splinter everything even my ability to change into an animal and back. I'm not like Karai with her changes and I don't know why...all that I remember is feeling pain so much pain.

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