Chapter 15 : "Be My Bad Boy "/ "BUSTED SON"

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Raph gave me one of his Sai's and showed me a stance. Which I guess I didn't do right.
"No No. Here let me help." He said smirking as he slowly walked over to me.
I think I know where this is going. (And not like that that ;-;)
I and Raph have kissed but never had a full on make out
He went behind me and put one of his hands on my waist and the other on my hand that was holding the sai
"Like this~" He said and I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck it made me shiver. Then he moved my body back into him.
"R-Raph...not here."
"Why not (Y/N)" He said, as he started to kiss my neck. That did it sent me over the edge. I blushed and dropped the Sai I was holding.
"You like that?" He asked smirking. I felt my face heat up. Probly turning 50 shades of red.
I nodded looking down in embarrassment.
"hehe..." He turned me around so I was facing him. I blushed harder as my (E/C) eyes met his neon green ones I loved. I then felt my self falling back and in the blink of an eye I was on the ground Raph straddling me. "R-Raph!" I whisper yell.
I smirked and said "Be my bad boy."
A big smirk grew on his face.
He leaned down and took both of my hands and held them above my head pinning me down. I could feel my heart racing and my stomach felt all weird ,in a good way weird,again. I never really been with a boy. I may like movie actors but not like this. Raph was different. He...knew how to make me weak.
"(Y/N)" He pureed in my ear. I blushes deeply. He smirks and starts kissing my roughly. Soon he forces his tongue in my mouth. I gasp. He then pulls back both of us gasping for air.
"Dang..." we heard people say he jumps off of me and we turn to see Everyone. Cassie, Joy ,James, Donnie, Mikey, Leo, Casey,and April.
I jump up quickly. I and Raph both speechless
"Woah who knew (Y/N) was so helpless when it comes to Raph!" Cassie laughed.
"Man Raph! " Mikey said and they all laughed.
"This is for training not making out!!"
Everyone almost screamed as they heard Splinter yell.
I jumped and ran out being scared to death because he yelled and was right behind me catching me off guard.
_3 hours Later_
I finaly decided to go back to the turtles lair after the embarrassing moment that happened this morning. I started to walk in and saw Mikey kissing Joy
I took out my phone and started taking pictures while I laughed evilly inside my head.
"Hey (Y/N)" A voiced pureed.
"R-Raph." I said and turned around
"Wanna go on a run with me? "
"Sure!" And with that I and Raph left.

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