Chapter 60 : Battle Like No Other

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I waited at the lair for Slash to be brought back. I looked through Raphs things and sees a picture of a tiny turtle which I already knew was Slash. I don't mind him really. But heard about what he did. I know he has changed, and I hope he is ok. But I'm pissed Raph once again went off on his own.
Later I walked out and saw Slash with the others. I walk over "Ill help Slash. You go find your brother. And knock him upside the head for me!"
They nod and run back out while I stayed with Rockwell and Slash. I gave Slash some water and pain medicine that he needed. I sat down in front of them. "so... you said a Dino man attacked you? "
"He attached I and Rockwell both. Out of no where. I have no idea why."
"I belive he is an alien " Rockwell added in.
"Alien..." I whispered.
"Wonder what he wanted" I whisper. I sighed and got up walked into Raphs room and lays down. Slowly falling asleep.
I get woken up by Master Splinter and slowly get up "Get up something has happened. " I blinked and get up walking out. I looked and saw Slash and Rockwell was still here as well as Leatherhead and Pigeon Pete. "what is going on?" I asked.
"Short way of explaining it. There is a new threat to Earth far worse then the Kraang. We must stop them. They are called the Triceratons. They have created a black hole to swallow the Earth because the of the Kraang being here. The turtles, Casey,and April need out help. We must go!" I nod and we all run off. I quickly get my Shell phone out and call Luke. "Luke I need you all's help! "
"Well the others... well are busy but I'll come and help! Send me the coordinates! "
I hang up and send where we are supost to met the turtles at. Then I saw them. Big dinosaurs, crazy. But they are alien. I join the fight fast . Then notice a Kraang fighting with us. I draw back to beside the Kraang "Why the hell are you helping us?!"
"I'm not like the other Kraang. I'm Biship,and I want to stop the Triceratons from destroying this world. Also I tried to stop the Kraang but failed. " I nodded and scanned the battle field and the I go back in. Suddenly we was in a trap. A orang bubble . We all try to get lose. Rockwell does but then the Triceratons leave. Rockwell helps us get free before we are all takin up.
"Wait where is Mikey?!," Raph yells,"They have Mikey! " He yelled.
"...This is a battle we can't fight alone. We need help... You get your brother... Emily April Casey Luke your with me. Let's go " We once again split apart. Need help but who?
I followed Splinter but slowed down as I saw where we was going. "LIKE HELL IM ASKING HIM FROM HELP!!" I screamed.
"He is the only way." Splinter insisted but I shook my head no "I rather die!"
April sighed "What about Raph? Huh? "
I growled "Fine.I will kill Shredder if I feel like he is up to no good." We slowly make it to Shredders lair and make out way to his main room. We are then surrounded by his men.
"Why have you came here,Saki? What do you want? "
"We need your help. As much as I hate it. A race threatens Earth."
"Why would I help you?"
April cut in. "Because if the Triceratons take Earth that also mean Karai!"
He nods "I'll join. But don't think that means it changes anything between us"
I growl and narrow my eyes at him. "I have my eyes on you. I'll kill you if I feel you are about to do somthing"
He smirks and chuckles "Same to you daughter."
I turn to Luke "Can you have the rest of The Resistince meet us at where we last was? "
"Yes I'll radio them now!"
I turn back to Splinter "We should hurry and go back wait for the turtles. Maybe they would have already have rescued Mikey! "
"Well what a surprise " I freeze and eyes widen at the voice I hear. I go to grabe my tessens but Luke take my hand and shakes his head 'No'. I turn to see my 'mom' standing by Shredder.
"Let's not start anything you'll regret." I growl ,and she laughs. "But I'd have to finish it. I mean your so weak. Usless. Tch. Just a bug needing to be killed. "
"This isn't the time,"Master Splinter said",We need to go." We nod and rush back just in time to help the turtles out once more. We all battle the Triceratons. I meet Raph and we battle back to back. "Try to reach the center! That's how we stop them! They have everything ready! "
I saw Splinter about to press the button. But a blade go through him. He yells in pain and falls.
"MASTER SPLINTER!!!" We all yell and run by him.
"Dad!" The turtles yell.
"SHREDDER YOU FOOL!!" Tiger Claw yells as we all are about to die. Untill a space ship lands and a Robot runs out "Hurry up we haven't no time! !" We all run into the ship. I grabe Luke's hand as we do and make it in and speed off just as we see the world get sucked into a black hole. He look around at each other then sees a Robot.
"Who are you?" Leo asks.
"I'm the Fugitoid...I'm here form future to save your planet from the Triceratons."
I walk to him "What about the others?"
"They are gone. But that's what we are gonna fix. We will go back in time to where they are alive. But we will be finding the piece to the Black hole before the Triceratons do. "
"Let's go." We say
The Fugitioid walks to his control center and in a flash the Earth is back.
"That was fast." I mumbled.
"So we can't go back and have the others come with us?" I ask. He shakes his head no.
"We will be now going deep into space. I need to stop somewhere tho. So rest for now. " He walks off.
I sit down and sigh ,and then Luke sits by me
"Hey...," He whispers.
I smile slightly ",I know that teaming up with Shredder for a while was hard... But I believe your strong. I belive you are able to beat him..." he lays a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah. ...Thanks Luke. " I smile and look over at Raph. I get up and slowly walk to him. Only to be greated by a rough kiss. I blushed and kissed back. He pulls back and rests his forehead on my forehead and I blush "What was- wait was you jealous again since I was talking to Luke? " I ask with a small smirk. Raph growls slightly. "Yes I was." I chuckle and kiss him
"No reason to be. I love you, Raphael."
"I love you too babe." He whispers and kisses me over and over. Causing me to giggle. I sigh and rest my head in his chest. Thinking hopping we will win.

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