Chapter 42: "M-Mom?"

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Theme song for this Chapter is 'Courage' . In English

I and the turtles get to the Middle Territory where only Luke is.
"Luke what happened how-"
" I saw her begging chased she was dragged back into Shredders lair."
"I have to save her!!"
"I know but we need to make a plan!"
"I have one,Luke?"
"And that is, (Y/n)."
"Bring hell down on them." I say and run out of the lair. The others yell my name but I don't stop. They then start to follow me. I stoped as we got to Shredders lair.
"(Y/n) we really need a plan."
"For once I agree with Mikey." Donnie says.
I sigh and nod.
"So where do you think they would have her? "
I asked.
"In chains...probably in a dongen. " Luke said
"Ok so we need teams of two." Leo said standing up.
"Mikey and Donnie will keep watch. I and Raph will distract Shredders forces. Luke and (Y/n) will go after he mom."
We all nodded.
"Come on!" I said as I and Luke ran the roof and dropping down into an ally way. We then made our way to an entrance. We went in and slowly made our way down to the prisoners cells. I looked through them all. I came to the last one and looked in. I was in shock. I saw a women.
"Is someone their?" She asked.
I said before I fainted.

_Raph POV_
Luke ran out with (Y/n) in HIS arms. I then saw a women who looked a lot like (Y/n) running behind them..
"Hurry let's go!" The women yelled and ran out.
"This way guys" I heard Donnie yell. Everything is happening to fast!
We all ran as the foot chased us.
"What-....what is going on?" I looked at Luke and saw (Y/n) was awake.

_(Y/n) POV_
I see the turtles and my mom running from the Footbots. I then look up and Luke is carrying me. I feel my face heat up. I then blink and jump out of his arms. Running back at the footbots.
"YOUR NOT GONNA FOLLOW US!" I yell and pull out my Tessens ready to fight. Then I see a strike the next thing I know the bots where all destroyed. I looked to see my mom looking at me. I ran to her. "M-MOM!" She hugged me tightly. "How I thought."
"No Shredder spared me. My Name is Kelly for the rest of you." They all smiled except Raph and Mikey...

_Mikey POV_
Something is off with
'Kelly' just like with April's mom...I'm gonna keep a watch on her.

_Raph POV_
I don't like this Kelly...she cannot be trusted.

_(Y/n) POV_
"I know a way to take Shredder down! " My mom said.
"How?!" We yelled.
"I know that place well. I can get us in so we can kill him!"
"We can later I'm tired." I say.
They all nod and Luke takes us all back to The Middle Territory.
"We all will spend the night here. Then tomorrow we will act."
He said and walked off.
I sat down by Raph on the couch and my mom looked at us.
"What got a problem?" Raph asked.
" two are a thing?"
I nodded and smiled.
"Yeah we are, should get some rest."
"Yeah..." she walks off and searches for a room.
I have my mom back....its feels to good to be true...

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