Chapter 7 : Bonding

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I wake up earlier the next morning because I was not able to sleep good.
Why can't I stop thinking about Raph don't tell me this is love... I can't be in's to dangerous
I get up and get dressed. Then I walk out of the lair.
-Time Skip To The Turtles New Home_
"What up bro!" Mikey said smiling as I came in.
"Nice to see you again,my friend." Added Splinter.
"Cool we got a new girl on the team this is awesome. " April cheered.
"And another person who can help us find Karai!!" Leo said walking in.
"So, (Y/N), what all do you like?"
"Well Donnie...Like... I LOVE science and books and I do love music and movies too although I don't watch many of them. "
I said happy.
"So your like a awesome fighter right?!" Casey asked.
"I guess you could say that. I don't really brag or hold myself hight. " I replied "so where is Raph ?"
"Here sorry I'm late I was...thinking "
"That's rare for you! "
"Shut up Mikey!"
I giggled and smiled inside seeing how they all are one big happy family.
"So Emily your not a girly girl are you?"
" no I'm not, April."
I laughed lowly. No way in heck I'm a girly girl.
"So you play video games?"Mikey asked.
"Yeah...Mortal Kombat I love it it's amazing..."
"Hey (Y/N) wanna go for a walk or something? "
"Sure Raph sounds good."
I then followed Raph out and to the roof.

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