Chapter 43:"Can We Trust Her?"

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Song for this chapter is 'Innocence' In English.

_6 a.m In The Morning_
I wake up in Raphs arms. I look up to see him still asleep. I smile and trace his lighting bolt scar and touch the skin that is exposed . He shivers "T-That felt weird."
"Not a bad weird...a good weird." He kisses my head and I blush.
"So about your mom."
"What about her Raphael?"
"Can we trust her?"
"...For now. "
He nods and we get up and dressed for the day.
I then start thinking
Can we trust her? For all I know she could be brain washed or mind controlled.
I sigh and walk out.
"Hey mom." I said and hug her. She smiles and kisses my forehead.
"What name did Shredder give you."
"My name is (Y/n)."
"...he liked that name... I always liked Diana."
"That means Goddess of the moon I think."
"Yes it does... he never liked it.."
"Lets not think about him not yet." I smiled and she did too.
"I see you use my Tessens."
"Yes my favorite weapons. "
"I mastered them at a young age as did you. I might not have been able to take a part in your life, but I always watched. I knew we would be together my daughter. " I cried and hugged her.
"I...I love you mom." I said.
Little did I know that the love would soon turn to hate.

_Later That Night_
We are at Shredders lair about to attack. We are going over the plans one more time.
"Now Mikey and Donnie you need to take out the guards at the south entries and you have 2 minutes to disable the alarm so Leo and Raph can break in at the north side. Luke, (Y/n),and I will jump in from the top and then we will surround him. Got it? " We nodded and raced to our positions.

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