Chapter 28: 50 Shades Of Red Part 2

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CONTAINS A LEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!! BTW this is my first
P.s The song for this Chapter is 'Turning Page'

"What is it, (Y/n)?"
"Nothing...just...I'm scared..."
He kisses my cheek.
"We don't have to,(Y/n)."
"No Raph I want can continue." He smirks and pulls my shirt off. I blush hard, since he has already took my bra off, and now I'm half naked. He moved his hands to my breasts and starts massaging them.
"Gah! R-Raphael!" I moan loudly. He then starts kissing my neck going lower and lower. He starts kissing between my breast. I arch my back and can't help but moan out, which encourages him. I then start try not to moan so loud since everyone one is in the lair at the moment. I guess he noticed it ,because he moved over to my right breast and started to suck on it. I moan his name loudly.
"Seems you like that" He says smirking. I blush as I feel one of his hands move down my stomach. His finger brushes over my private area. This sends shocks through my body.
"RAPH!" I moan.
He smirks and removes my panties. I blush as he spreads my legs. "Oh my (Y/n)~," He purrs, " your so wet. How about I clean you." I gulp. He smirks and moves his head down.
OMG OMG OMG OMG I scream in my head. Then he starts to lick my private area,causing me to grab the bed sheets and twist them. "A-ah...Raph...more..." I blush badly and close my eyes. I then feel a finger entering me making my eyes flash open. "AHH RAPHAEL!" I scream as he moves his finger in and out fast and hard. He stops and climbs back up and looks at me
I probably look like a mess
"Want" I blush knowing what he means. I take a breath and wait....then I nod.
"Yes..." I say and he nods getting ready to enter me. He gets in position and looks at me. "You sure,(Y/n)?" He ask
I'm already shaking badly scared nerves and excited at the same time. I'm in love with him,and it scares me . I'm about to lose my virginity. "...I'm sure." He nods and pushes into me. I hiss out in pain. "I-it..hurts...keep going. " He then pushes all the way in. He waits for me to adjust to his size and for my permission to start.
"Be gentle.."I say ,and then nod. He starts slowly to move in and out. I feel a lot of pain at first. Then after a couple of minutes it turns into an unbelievable amount of pleasure. "F-faster!" I begged as I moaned along with Raph. His moan drove me insane. He went faster as well as harder. I moaned loudly.He wraps my legs around his shell. He was able to go deeper and then found that spot of mine and kept hitting it over and over "AH OH RAPHAEL!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I felt like I was about to come. Untill...
"WHAT THE HELL?!" I heard a person scream. Raph stoped, him still in me, and we both looked to Splinter. I screamed and so did Raph . He pulled the cover over us.
"Hey what-OMG!!" The others said as they saw I and Raph.
"(Y/N)GET DRESSED. YOU BOTH ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE! THE REST LEAVE NOW!" Splinter yelled slamming the door. Raph pulled out of me. I got up to get dressed.
"Wipe the smirk off your face,Raph!"
"Oh calm down (Y/n) not like you didn't enjoy it." He winks at me and I blushed. He walks over to me and zips my paints up. "Next time (Y/n) don't be so loud."
"I-it's not only my fault!"
"I know I'll see if Donnie can soundproof the bedroom and we can finish what we started. "
I blushed deeply.
"Now come on,Raph, we have to face Splinter. "
"Look at the bright side ,(Y/n), we at least die together. "
"By Splinters hand yeah I don't see the bright side."
He chuckles and kisses me.
"I-I love you..."
"I love you too Raph."
We then walk out of the room to see all the turtles, Casey,and April staring at I and Raph.
"....What? " Raph asked.They shook their heads and walked off.
"Dang Raph..." I heard his brothers and Casey say as I and Raph entered the Dojo...or should I say hell.

So how did I do \(^_^)/???
._. ;-; .-. 0_0 0-0 0,0 0.0

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