Chapter 59: (Y/n) VS April!

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I walk into the Dojo and wait watch as April,and the others follow, walks in. I pull get in my fighting stance and narrow my eyes watching April. He dose the same and gets her one tessen out . The charges at me. I dodge and she throws her tessen at me,it gose off,and she tries kicking me which I easily dodge,and as the tessen comes back to hit me on the back of the head I catch it. April huffs and runs at means tries to punch me but I grab her fist and flip her into the ground hard. I drop her tessen on the ground and growl slightly "If you can't beat me how do you think you can beat Karai ?!" I walk off,and Raph follows .
He grabs my arm,I growl and go to jerk away ,until he kisses me. I instantly melt into him,now vulnerable
He smirks and pulls back.
I blush as look away "Meanie...." He just chuckles and walks off. I watch him as he dose Damn you making me soft,I think.

Ok anyone know when TMNT is coming back on?

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