Chapter 11: Friends

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I and my team are heading over to the turtles hid out. Only because Raph texted me that we all should talk about the argument me and Leo had.

_At the turtles hid out_

I walk in with Cassie,Joy,and James behind me.
"Hey (Y/N) I'm guessing this is your team?" April asked, waving at them as a hello.
"Yes. They are James, Joy,"I gestured at Joy, " and then that's Cassie."
"Yo what up guys!" Mikey yelled coming in Donnie behind him.
"Nice to see you again Mikey." Joy said blushing causing me and Cassie to raise an eyebrow .
"Hey it's that (Y/N)."
"Hey Casey! " I said smiling as I saw Raph and Leo walk in with him
"Hey (Y/N)..." Leo said quietly.
"Hey..." I said.
"So I would like to work together us as allies will have a lot better chance of taking Shredder down for good. "
"I would too Leo...Two people with the same goal can accomplish a lot. We both share a same goal. "
He smiled and nodded and I did too.
"You like Pizza?" Mikey asked.
"Course me like Pizza!" Joy yelled James still hasn't said a word.
"I don't trust you...not one of you."
"James this is (Y/N)'s choice not yours...she is our leader and you need to be respective of her decisions." Cassie said ,and looked at James.
" I respect her decision but doesn't mean I have to agree with her."
"Yes but you-"
I interrupted Cassie.
"Both of your stop it this isn't the time or place. "
James growled but nodded.
"I like it here!" Joy said.
"Your silent Raph."
"Yeah he is a lot (Y/N)." Mikey said.
"Shut up Mikey..."
"Don't be Mean Raph."
"I wasn't Leo!"
"Watch it Leo he might explode!"
"Mikey shut up!"
"Oh look someone's getting mad!" Next thing I knew Mikey and Raphs argument turned into Raph punching Mikey
"Hey Raph Stop!" Leo yelled.
"Just leave me alone! " Raph yelled walking out.
"Really Mikey?" Donnie asked.
"Nothing Nothing."
I should go after him
"I'm gonna check on him."
"I wouldn't (Y/N)."
"Why not Casey?"
"When he is mad it's best to leave him alone."
"That's kinda the same way with (Y/N). " Cassie said as the rest of the team shook their head yes
"Oh WHATEVER! " I said walking out to find Raph.
"Raph? "
"What do you want? "
"I wanted to check on you."
I said, walking over to him and sitting down by him. Raph then looks into my (E/C) eyes with his neon green ones that sends my heart racing. He leans closer and closer. By this point I feel his breath.
"(Y/N)" I hear him purr and I felt my face heat up. Causing him to smirk. That smirk almost drove me wild, but, I kept my cool or tried to.
"Y-y-y-e-s R-R-Raph?" I stuttered badly.
"What's wrong?" He asked and his lips brushed mine.
I gasped and went to kiss him full on but he pulled back a little still smirking. I knew I was blushing badly. My heart pounding and my stomach twisting.I looked down trying to hid my face. He then brushed my (H/C) hair out of my face and lifted my face up so I was looking strait into his eyes.
"You don't have a boyfriend do you?
"N-n-no I-I d-don't."
"Good, because after this your mine."
I blushed deeply as he said that. Then finaly he leaned in and kissed me...that was it. I melted into the kiss like someone who was helplessly in love. He deepened the kiss by putting his hand on the back of my neck and I put my hands on his chest. He pulled back looking at me, and me blushing like crazy.
I can't no...what if they find out... what if he finds out
"Yes your mine I want to wall you that...or how about (N/N) [Nick name] ?"
"Whatever you want...but I belive we should keep this a secret ok? I don't think James will like if he knows I'm with you. "
"Ok whatever you want, Babie."
He said,making me blush again and him smirk. That smirk that drove me wild.

Hey I just wanted to say sorry if I accidentally put my name in it bc my other books have my OC in it so sorry \(^~^)/

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