Chapter 8: Just The Two Of Us

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I sit on the roof of the old pizza place looking at Raph.
"So what did you want to talk about,Raph? "
"I..well I just wanted to get to know you better. "
"Well what do you wanna know?"
"How old are you?"
"Oh...I'm 15 almost 16 tho." He said and sat right by me and i blushed a little.
"So...Raph, how are your relationships with your brothers like?"
"Well me and Leo don't get along. Mikey annoys me but I love him...Donnie we are cool he dont bug me much. But I love all my brothers. " He looked right into my (E/C) eyes. His eyes are so...Woah..WAIT STOP THINKING THIS conceal don't feel!! (Frozen XD sorry I hate that movie tho.... ;-;)
"That's nice...reminds me of the other Resistance teams"
"So you have a team?"
"Yes I do"
"And they are part of this Resistance? "
"How many are there in this Resistance? "
" Well it's an organization spread out across New York City there is the North Territory South East West and Middle I am in charge of the North Territory . Each territory has a leader and the leader has three members so there's four people for each territory. The leaders of the group is the leader of that territory. We all work separate but if anything major happens and we have to do something major about it we all meet up in the middle territory to discuss and agree on a plan of action for that major event. But I had a team before I joined the resistance..... When I was still with Shredder..."
" what was that like? where are they?"
"Sorry if I'm getting personal. "
"Its Ok I just...don't get attached to people..."
" I...just..."
"...Yes Raph?"
I looked at him
He said. He started getting closer and closer to my face, that was red hot by now, I and Raphs lips where inches away from touching. What am I doing?!
I pulled back. "I need to go! Bye!" I then jumped off the roof and ran off.

_Later That Night_
Beep Beep. I heard and I looked at my T-Phone
Raph: Hi (Y/N) I wanted to say sorry about earlier today

(Y/N): No it a fine I just...was late for a meeting
I tried my best to lie

Raph: oh well then. Hope everything went well...I'll see Ya later night, hottie.

I looked at what Raph said 'Hottie'?! I whispered yelled. As my face was heating up. I then laid down in my bed and fell asleep smiling like an idiot.

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