Chapter 33: Taking Down The Resistance Part 2

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Song For This Chapter 'Never-End Tale' not in English

_Raph POV_
Leo and I wait for Emma to come. But the next thing I know is Leo is falling off the building. "LEO!" I yell and jump down catching him.
"Well well lookie here. Your (Y/n) boy toy right?"
"Emma...don' I'll kill you." I felt so mad I couldn't control myself. Leo was knocked out cold.
"Oh well I knew you were looking for me Mary radioed me that they were being attacked. "
I growled at her. She surrounded me and Leo with her team and 3 others.who are they?
"Confused Raph? Well you see this is not only my team but Fabians. Fabian has gone rouge and betrayed us." She pulls out her weapon. "I'm gonna kill Shredder and (Y/n)."
I stood up. And I felt a beats come out. I threw my sai at her almost hitting her in the head.
"Holy shit.." I heard a person say as Emma wiped blood off her face.
"Your gonna wish you where never born. " I say.

_At The Middle Territory_
_(Y/n) POV_

I walked into the main room but no one was there. I went to each room checking ,but no one was there. I heard something . I put my hand on my hand and I felt something wet. I looked at my hand and it was red. Then I saw nothing but darkness.
I woke up chained down. My vision still blurred. I saw a fly...a Mutant fly.
"Well look whoz up." He said and got a container out.
"What's that? !"
"Don't worried my dear (Y/n) it will only hurt a lot!" He pulled a worm out ,the one that Donnie said the others we're mind controlled with, I squirmed.
"NO NO NOOO!!!!!!"

_At The East Territory_
_Raph POV_

3 out of 7 I have took down. They are strong. I then think of retreating...that and something is telling me to run to The Middle Territory . I felt a hand on my arm I saw... "Leo!"
"Yeah I'm fine. "
"Come on" I ran him following me while the Resistance team followed us both. "Where are we going Raph? "
"To The Middle Territory."

_At The Middle Territory_
_Raphs POV_

We arrive at the same time the others do. But unfortunately The Resistance is chasing after them too. "You guys too?" I question.
"April?" Donnie asked as he held April.
"Red!" Casey yelled and ran to her.
"I'm fine...thanks for saving me ,Donnie."
"Yeah n-"
"Sorry to interrupt but...they have surrounded us!"Mikey said as we turn and see The entire Resistance.
"You guys have already lost."
"No they haven't, Emma. "
I heard that voice I turned to see Fabian. With a group of people I never saw before. I know it isn't his team. I took them out already. "F-Fabian." Emma said shocked.
"Your done Emma and so is this Resistance it's has became corrupted. Now I shall cleanse it!"

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