Chapter 53: Tale Of Time Part 2

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"My name is Savanti Romero! I will destroy you all! Then take the time staff and rule the world!!" The man named Savanti Yelled, as he jumped out of the portal.
"This way!" Renet said,and she opened another door. We jumped in after Mikey didn't think and went head first!
We all screamed as we entered the strange portal and then to be dropped into a forest.
"Uhh,..Where are we?"I said.
"From the looks if it... Mid evil times!" Donnie yelled.
"I'm sorry. Savntai has been trying to change time. I needed help." Renet said. I nodded and so did the others.
Then all of the sudden the scepter (I'm callin it a scepter so Deal with it! B) ) was grabbed out of her hand by Savanti.
"That is mine! "
"No!" We yelled. We jumped to attack him but then. We repeated ourselves.
"Hold on." Renet said. He hands started to glow and she punched out of the time loop we were in.
"Now where to." Luke asked.
"A Castle?" Mikey asked.
"For once not a bad idea." I added.

_3rd Person POV_

(Y/n),Renet,Luke,and the turtles all are riding in horses to the castle near by to retrieve the time scepter from Savanti. What they didn't know was Savanti knew they were coimg. As they went though a grave yard skeletons started to pop up from the grave. They fought most if then off. As soon as they left the grave the skeletons fell apart.

_In The Castle_

The gang was right on top if Savanti waiting to make a move.
"Ok let's do this!" Luke whispered yelled to them.
"Yes hurry up I don't have all day." Savanti said. They attached him but he reversed time.
"Hey wasn't we just here?" (Y/n) asked.
Next thing they knew was they were trapped in orange bubbles.
"You all are so small compared to me!" Savanti laughed. Then he started circling the bunch.
"Who should I get rid if first?" He pondered. Then he stoped right in front of (Y/n) eyeing her (H/C) hair. Her (E/C) eyes. He smirked , "You will be first!" She growled at him.
"If you ever lay a finger on her I'll kill you!" Yelled her protective boyfriend the long and only Raphael.
He laughs. "Temper temper y-HEY! NO MY SCEPTER! " He yelled as Mikey was able to break free and knock the scepter out if his hands. The others then was freed. Now it was a chase to get the scepter. They eventually got the scepter and defeated Savanti. As they was going back home something messed up.

_(Y/n) POV_

"Crap...where are we?" I asked.
"We are in Japan...but what time?" Donnie asked.

~To Be Continued

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