Chapter 52: Tale Of Time Part 1

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I'm riding horses with the turtles,Luke, and a girl from the future to get back some sort of staff that could destroy us...Yeah I'm confused too. Wait one moment and I'll tell us how it all started

_Couple Hrs ago_
Luke,the turtles, and I are still looking for Karai. I been feeling odd. Having more visions. Weird visions...future...past...present...
"(Y/n) you ok?" Luke asked me. I wasn't I fear for Karai,for us, Everyone,and I can't atop thinking about the vision I saw. Raph with another girl. Why would he be...its doesn't matter...
"How long do you think it will be before we can get Karai back."
"I wish I could say, Leo" I sighed and sat down. Raph looked at me but I looked away from him.
"What's wrong with you?"
"Nothing Raph."
I sighed and stood up. The our of the blue a door opened in the sky.A girl jumped out and fell. We all gathered around her.
"OMG! The turtles from legend! Luke of the resistance and then the best! (Y/n) The Queen!"
She squealed leaving us dumbfounded.
"Oh sorry my name is Renet I'm from the future! I come to get your help!" We still just blinked. Then a nother door opened and someone else come out. It was human looking like Renet. It was a half house half...Man ish?? With horns...I have lost it...
"Ok I lost it....See the rest of you in crazy house..." I said. While we still all tried to processes what was going on.

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