8-Going home

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Yay this part gets very exciting! Enjoy!
Erin's POV
Today is the big day. The day where I leave the care home forever. No more fights. No more disgusting food. No more drama. I'm so excited.

Kiera only told me to pack stuff I want to take and leave everything behind that I don't want. I packed my three favourite tops, my flounder toy, my one direction album, my Ariel varsity jacket. A picture frame that says family, hopefully I will be able to put a picture in there, a drawing pad full of.....well my drawings, my one direction make up set and my monkey onesie. I neatly pile all of my belongings into a pink suitcase.
Jonathan's POV
Today is going to be one of the biggest days of our lives. Anna's mum and sister Erika are over to join welcoming Erin home. Thankfully Oma (what we call Anna's mum) made the kids breakfast so that's one less thing to worry about. Anna baked Erin a chocolate cake and she's decorating it now. She's covering it in chocolate Ganesh and writing 'welcome home Erin' on it in white chocolate. Around the sides of the cake she's decorating it with smarties and rolos. I rush upstairs to Erin's room and put a floral E sign on her door. I make the bed and open the curtains. Erika was sleeping here last night. Tonight she's sleeping with her mum in my office. It's about 1:00 now and We are about to leave to get Erin. I quickly vlog:
"Good morning friends, today is very exciting! Erin is coming home with us! We are about to leave now and we are so nervous but very excited!".
Anna and I leave the house and get into the car. I give the camera to Anna to film some footage for the video. We arrive about half an hour later and I can feel my body fill with excitement. We both get out of the car. We ring on the door bell and our beautiful, wonderful new daughter welcomes us in. She is wearing a grey top and a pink winter coat. Her red hair is flowing behind her and her beautiful blue eyes are just......beautiful.
Erin's POV
I have been waiting by the big window upstairs for hours on end. It's finally two o'clock. Anna and Jonathan are due to arrive in about half and hour. Hang on its 2pm and there early! I rush downstairs and open the door for them.
"Hello princess" Anna says. "Excited?'
"So excited, you can't imagine!" I reply giving her the biggest hug ever.
"Hey gorgeous!" Jonathan smiles pulling me into a warm hug.
Kiera greets Anna and Jonathan into her office to quickly finish of the paperwork. I'm so glad this process was quick. Sometimes it takes over a year and it's only taken 3 months! I can't wait to get home.
Anna's POV
We get welcomed into the office by Kiera. She gives us the paper work to sign. Jonathan picks up the pen and carefully performs his swirly signature. The time has finally come! We head out the office and Jonathan lifts Erin's suitcase into the car. Kiera comes outside to see us off. Erin launches herself into Kiera's arms.
"I'm gonna miss you!" Kiera says.
"Me to" Erin replies.
"Good luck"
I lead Erin into the car and make sure she has her seatbelt done up. I hand her a packet of tangfastics for the half an hour ride. I smile at her and then head to the passenger seat.
"You don't mind if I vlog do you?" Jonathan asks.
"I don't mind at all, it will be fun to watch back!" Erin smiles.
Jonathan's POV
I pick up the vlogging camera and turn it on:
"Hello friends, we have Erin in the car here with us, I am so happy and excited and nervous and delighted and inspired all at the same time! This is a day our family will treasure forever."
I point the camera towards Erin.
"Are you excited to come home with us?" I ask.
"Never been more excited in my life!" She smiles.
I give the camera to Anna and I start the car to head off home. I feel amazing! Other than getting married and having Emilia and Eduardo, adopting has been the best decision that I've ever made!
Yay! Erin is going home!!! Love writing this!
Hope you enjoyed it!
See you in the next chapter.......

Part Of Your World: Book 1 in the Adopted by the SACCONEJOLYs seriesWhere stories live. Discover now