56- Audition day

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  🎅 on the 16th day of ficmas, my true love sent to me... chapter 56🎅 

Erin's POV

It was the day of the audition and I was very nervous. One reason was because I had never sung on my own in front of any one before and another reason was because I had lost all my confidence due to all the mean comments.

Anyway Dad drove me to the Spotlight 10 minutes early so there was no chance of me being late. It was a very big day.

When I stepped in the hall, everyone was staring at me. Everyone. They were all in different groups, gossiping. Probably about me. I slipped around the huddle and sat down by myself in the corner. I wrapped my arms around my knees and began to sob. Why is everyone talking about me and staring at me? I haven't done anything! I wiped my eyes with my sleeve and looked up. Three really pretty, older girls were in front of me.

"Are you okay?" One of the girls asked. She had long dark brown and was wearing a really bright lipstick.

I shrugged.

"I'm Amber and this is Lily and Daisy" She said. 

"We know what's happened and we feel so sorry for you" Lily smiled. She had middle length brown hair and she had amazing blue eyes.

"And we want to be your friend" said Daisy. Daisy had brown hair to but it was short and curly.

"Look, I don' think you'd want to be friends with a girl like me who has been hated more than Sam Pepper" I said.

"We want to be friends with you because we want to be here for you" Lily explained, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"You seem like a nice girl, who is funny and just like us" Daisy admitted.

This made me smile.

"So, do you want to be friends with us?" Amber asked.

I nodded and we changed the conversation.

"So what are you auditioning for?" I asked the girls.

"Gabriella in the high school musical piece" Lily smirked. Amber rolled her eyes. 

"That is only because you want to sing with Danny" Amber blurted out. 

"Oooooooooh" Daisy and I giggled.

Lily went bright red. "Danny is mega cute"

"Sooooo....I am auditioning for the dancing role of Jasmine in Aladdin" Amber said proudly.  "What about you Erin?" 



"I am auditioning for the part of Nala!" Daisy said.

"What this Nala?" I asked sarcastically, showing Daisy a picture of Zoe and Alfie's dog.

Daisy laughed her head off.

"James is auditioning for Simba so you would have to do it with him!" Lily said to Daisy, biting her lip.

"Oh God" Daisy replied covering her mouth.

"Whats so bad with doing it with James?" I asked, really confused. "And isn't he in Cyprus anyway so he can't audition?"

From what I know James has been in Cyprus for the last few weeks with his family and he said he would tell me when he was back.

"Huh? He is over there" Amber pointed out. James was on the other side laughing away with his mates.

"So he just forgot about me?" I thought to myself.

"James got back a week ago"

"What has he done wrong then?" I asked.

"Uhhhhh....James kinda told all his followers on Twitter to go hate on you on all your social media" Daisy explained.

No wonder I didn't know who started it as I don't have Twitter. Mum said I shouldn't get it until I was a bit older.

Amber handed me her phone and I went onto her Twitter. I typed up James white and his account came up. I then clicked on it and looked at his pinned tweet.

It said:

@jameswhxte_TV- Please go and hate on all of Erin Sacconejoly's social media. She is such a b*tch and she deserves for everyone in life to hate her...

There was more but I couldn't bare to read on. I switched the phone off and handed it back to Amber. I stood up to make my way to the toilets but Donna the director started to talk.

"Right lets start the auditions! First up Erin with her Ariel audition"

Typical! I made my way infront of everyone. Most of them were staring. 

"So what piece of The Little Mermaid are you going to perform for us?" Donna asked.

"Um... Part of your world" I mumbled.

Donna nodded as I began to sing. I started off quite softly, adding acting into the lyrics. I then built up and my voice went loud and clear. I ended the song after the second chorus and everyone clapped. Even James. That wasn't to bad after all! 

I sat down next to Daisy with a big smile on my face. Daisy gave me a hug.

"That was amazing!" She said.

"Well done Erin!" Amber and Lily said in unison.

Then the auditions carried on until it was time for us to go home. 

Daisy, Amber, Lily and I all became best friends and I am so happy that I have some true friends.

When it was time to leave we headed for the door but unfortunately crossed tracks with James. 

"Oh...hi Erin!" James smiled.

I didn't reply.

"You're...uh...audition was amazing!" He said.

Again I didn't reply.

"What have I done wrong!?" James lectured.

"What have you done wrong? You have got to be kidding me!" I screamed at him.

"I have done nothin-" I pushed James really hard and he fell on the floor. I the stormed off and clambered into Dad's car. I started to cry. Dad wrapped his arms around me. I told him everything. He didn't shout or give me a lecture. He just hugged me. Today was a mixture of events. Now I know who started giving me hate and pushed me to the max. James was one of my best mates and he totally betrayed our friendship. I guess life is full of them people!

Long chapter ooooooooooh! James started it! Dun....dun....dun! Did Erin get the part in the end? Will James and Erin make up? Who knows?

Bye friends!

See you in the next chapter...

Steph xx

Part Of Your World: Book 1 in the Adopted by the SACCONEJOLYs seriesWhere stories live. Discover now