49- Merry Christmas everyone!

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  🎄 on the 9th day of xmas, my true love sent to me...chapter 49🎄 

Erin's POV

"Look who came in the night!" Dad said as he pointed the camera at the Christmas tree with our all presents underneath.

"Santa came!" Emilia exclaimed running around the hallway. 

"SANTA!" Eduardo shouted, pointing at the presents.

"Omg!" I said excitedly. "There are loads of presents!". 

"C'mon lets open them!" Mum said sitting down on a chair. Mum couldn't sit down on the floor like the rest of us as her baby bump was massive. Only a month to go now, it's gone so fast!

Dad then handed out all the presents and we all had massive piles! We all counted down from 3 before we started to open the first present. I decided to go for my smallest one but Emilia and Eduardo went for the biggest ones and Mum and Dad went for the one closest to them.

I started opening the small package. I opened it to see a black little box that said 'Anna Saccone'. I lifted off the lid and it was a silver Gemini necklace from Mum's jewellery line. Eduardo got some duplo and Emilia got a massive mini doll gift set which had 12 mini Disney princess dolls inside. Mum opened a new pair of trainers for her workouts and Dad got a bobble hat as he really wanted one! It took at least an hour to go through all our presents. In the end I got a Sacconejoly calendar, some new phone cases, lots of Zoella beauty stuff and Tanya Burr stuff, a few new books and clothes as well as a new make up brush set and a massive lush box collection which had 20 different products in it! The last present I opened was the best as it was a Macbook! I got it in silver and it is just the right size for me. I love it! 

After we opened our presents we got changed into Christmassy clothes and watched Christmas films like Elf and Muppet's Christmas Carol whilst Mum cooked lunch. For lunch Mum cooked delicious turkey with mouth watering potatoes, amazing pigs in blankets, awesome stuffing and luxurious Yorkshire puddings and veg. It was amazing! It was one of the best things I have ever tasted! After lunch we FaceTimed a lot of our family and friends whilst Emilia and Eduardo played with their new toys. We also FaceTimed Kiera as she wanted to check up on me and see how I was doing a year on. After a bout 4 hours on FaceTime we got changed into our pyjamas and went to snuggle of the sofa watching more Xmas films whilst we had Pizza and gingerbread men. Christmas is truly the most wonderful time of the year! 

Hey guys!!! Its xmas in 16 days! I am sooo excited!

Bye friends!

See you in the next chapter...

Steph x

Part Of Your World: Book 1 in the Adopted by the SACCONEJOLYs seriesWhere stories live. Discover now