15-Explainations need to be heard

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Sorry I haven't updated!
Hope you are all enjoying my fanfic so far!

Also can you please check out my new fanfic called: where do broken hearts go?
It's a Dan Howell and Joe Sugg fanfic and I'm so excited for you to read it! So head over there and read chapter one x
Thanks x
Steph x
Erin's POV
"You're going to be a failure in life!" My first social worker, Penelope smirks at me. "You'll never get anywhere in life!"
"Especially as your a care kid."
"I bet you, you'll turn out to work in McDonald's!"
"Care kids don't get anywhere in life!"
"Poor unfortunate Erin! You'll never ever ever be adopted! And if you do it will turn out really bad!"
"You're mostly likely to stay here for ever"
I crash down on my knees and cry and cry. Tears spilling out my eyes like a waterfall. I wrap my hands around my little body. I rock myself backwards and forwards, trying to calm down.
Where am I?
Who was I?
My mind suddenly goes blank.
Phew! It was just a horrible flashback.
My eyes begin to stretch open.
A familiar face appears in front of me.

"Erin!?" He says, tears clogging up in his eyes.

"Dad?" I whisper, my head still in pain.

"Erin!" Dad exclaims wrapping his gentle arms around me.

"Dad, can I have a glass of water please?" I ask.

"Sure girly". Dad smiles putting the glass in my hand.

I sit up and take a look around the room. My head still feels fuzzy.
"where are we?" I mutter.

"At Zoe and Alfie's". Dad explains. I rest my head on his shoulder.

"We were going to take you to hospital but we all thought it would be best to keep you here, me and Zoe are experts on this kinda stuff".

"Experts on what?"


"What's that"

"It's a feeling of worry, nervousness or unease about something with an uncertain outcome"

"What's the uncertain outcome?"

"A panic attack, just like you just had"

"Have you had any panic attacks before dad?"

"Yeah,um......before my mum and dad......your grandma and grandpa.....divorced.....they used to argue and argue and argue. I used to hear them shout and scream at each other. That's when I used to have panic attacks. It caused me to have severe depression, I was sent to a special school because of it!" Dad says looking into space as he said every word.

"I'm sorry dad"

"Erin, it's fine. It's all in the past". Dad hugs me tight.

I'm so lucky to have Dad in my life.
Jonathan's POV
I'm so lucky to have Erin in my life.
I'm so glad that she woke up to. I nearly had a little panic attack myself.
When Erin awoke, she still looked as beautiful as ever.

We talked and talked. About her past. About my past.
It was hard talking to her about what happened to me I was younger.

It all got a bit to much. I wrapped my arms around her little body. We sat there in silence before Erin asked a rather unusual question:

"Dad, am I......am I......am I a failure in life?"

"No way!"
Why would Erin have thoughts like that?

Part Of Your World: Book 1 in the Adopted by the SACCONEJOLYs seriesWhere stories live. Discover now