31- Surprise!

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before I start Nonno is Anna's Dad as he was Italien. R.I.P Eduardo Saccone xxx

Jonathan's POV

"Good morning again, my little friendliest friend!" I sang to a sleeping Erin. I couldn't be more excited for this weekend. We are going to Ireland to celebrate Oma's birthday and Oma and Nonno's wedding anniversary as it is sometimes hard for Oma when her birthday and anniversary comes around. We all also going to meet up with my family to which I'm so excited for!

Last night I had to explain to Erin all about Nonno. It was hard telling her about it but luckily Erin understood.

When Anna and I woke the kids up, we all got changed and headed to the airport. We found ourselves sat in the same breakfast cafe as last time.

"This so dave ja vu!" Erin laughed drinking her hot chocolate.

"At least its not before 5 in the morning!" Anna joked eating her porridge.

"You excited?" I asked Erin pointing my camera at her.

"Soooooooooooooo excited!" She replied smiling.

I then turned the camera towards me.

"So if you didn't know already we are heading to Cork to suprise Oma! And tomorrow we are meeting up with my family, which I can't wait for as Erin hasn't met the Joly fam yet"

We then all headed to the our gate number and waited to board the plane.

"Can you see the plane Emilia?" Tasha asked Emilia who was clinging onto the buggy. Tasha was coming to Ireland too so we have an extra pair of hands for the kids.

Eduardo was in the buggy fast asleep. 

"That plane is tiny compared to the one we flew in to America!" Erin pointed out.

"Its because we are going for a short haul flight not a long haul flight". Tasha explained.

"oh ok". Erin nodded as we began to get on the plane.

We had booked the whole row. Tasha was by the window, Eduardo was next to her, I was next to Eduardo, Erin was at the end next to Anna and Emilia was by the window next to Anna. 

The plane started to take off and the next thing we knew was that we were 35,000 ft above the ground.


Erin's POV

The plane to Cork was very quick compared to the flight to Florida. Emilia and Eduardo were entertained by Frozen and I was entertained by Zoe's book, Girl Online.

When we got on the plane we went to get our hired car. It was a jeep. Dad's dream car. 

"Lads, we got a jeep!" Dad said excitedly into the camera.

"C'mon Jofus! Lets go suprise Oma!" Mum said even more excited then Dad.

"You excited Emilia and Eduardo?" I asked as I turned around to my siblings.

They both nodded and started to play with their frozen toys. 

I was sat next to Tasha in the middle bit behind Mum and Dad and in front of Emilia and Eduardo.

It didn't take long until we arrived at Oma and Erika's house. It was definitely what I expected. It was a cute little house with a small front garden full of flowers. 

"Does Oma know we are coming?" I asked Mum.

"No we said we couldn't come because we were going to a big walkies meetup." Mum grinned.

"Ok lets go suprise Oma!" Dad beamed getting out the car with his camera pointing towards the door. 

We arrived at the door so Mum let me ring the doorbell. 


As Oma opened the door we shouted: "SUPRISE!" 

"Oh my....." Oma said shocked, covering her mouth with her hand, happy tears rolling down her cheek.

"Happy birthday Oma!" Emilia and I smiled giving Oma a big hug.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Oma, happy birthday to you!" Eduardo sang softly.

"Aw thanks Eduardo!" Oma thanked scooting Eduardo into our hug.  

Once we had given Oma a massive hug and her presents, Mum and Dad hugged her whilst Emilia, Eduardo and I hugged Erika.

"I missed you all!" Erika smiled.

"We missed you to!" Emilia said happily.

"Family is the best thing in the world" I whispered to myself. "Family means everything".


Loved writing this it was so cute!

Thanks for reading, don't forget to hit the poo poo button!

Steph xx

Part Of Your World: Book 1 in the Adopted by the SACCONEJOLYs seriesWhere stories live. Discover now