35- VidCon here we come!

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Erin's POV

A week after we got home from Manchester we found ourselves on a plane again but this time to L.A. We were sat in really comfy seats. We were all at the window of the plane. I was next to Emilia. Dad and Eduardo were in front and Mum and Tasha were behind.

The plane hadn't taken off yet and Emilia was already complaining about the TV. 

"Its not working!" She shouted throwing her Minnie Mouse toy that I got her.

"Don't throw things Emilia" I told her. "The TV will turn on when we take off"

Emilia than got her iPad out of the compartment. She didn't know how to turn it on so she was getting really annoyed at it.

"Its not working!" She screamed.

I then turned the iPad on for her and gave it back. Three (nearly four) year olds are quite fussy aren't they! But they are cute and they can mean so much to you. I can't wait for our little brother/sister to arrive. I'm sure he'll/she'll mean so much to me to.


The plane ride was okay. I finally reading Girl Online and I had started reading Girl Online On Tour. Emilia was very well behaved. She mostly slept the whole way but she did watch a couple of Disney movies to.

When we arrived at the airport we went through the procedure and went strait to our apartment which was booked by VidCon. It was quite big to be honest! We were very tired so we decided to call  it a day. I'm so excited for tomorrow, we are doing our meetup! I'm used to meeting new people now and I don't get scared which is good!

*next day*

We all woke up at about 7 am. Jet Lag had effected us all so badly but we had to get up to go to our meetup. 

We arrived at the convention centre 10 minutes early. We could hear people shouting: 'Sacconejolys! Sacconejolys!' really loudly behind the curtain. At 10 o'clock we walked through the curtain and everyone started screaming. We then all sat down at the table. I was in the middle. Mum an Dad were either side of me and Emilia was on the left of Mum and Eduardo was on the right of Dad. We met so many people! We all signed the calendars that people brought with them. We also signed t-shirts and bags and books and over things. We all got so many presents it was unreal! It was one of the best meet ups we have ever been to!

I can't believe how fast this year has gone already as it seems like yesterday when we last went to VidCon! This time next year we will have another little friend with us! It feels so surreal how fast time goes. It blows my mind.

Hey guys. Hope everyone is having a good day. I didn't really tbh :[ 

Thought I'd upload a chapter for y'all ;)

Bye friends!

Don't forget to hit the poo poo button!

See you in the next chapter...

Steph x

Part Of Your World: Book 1 in the Adopted by the SACCONEJOLYs seriesWhere stories live. Discover now