21- Fireworks and first vlogging expericance

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Erin's POV
"Good morning again, my little friendliest friends!" Dad sung to me and Emilia.
I checked my iPad and smiled at my cute lockscreen of my brother and sister.
21:30. Why was dad waking us up at 9:30?

"Dad it's 9:30!" I groan, burying my face into my pillow.

"It's 4:30 here in Orlando!" Dad laughs.

"Disney packed the TV full of Disney movies so we thought we'd have a movie evening and then go see the fireworks!" He explains now trying to lift Emilia out of her bed.

"I want a snoozie jacuzzi!" Emilia screamed, crying her eyes out.

"Jofus why don't we leave them in bed?" Mum said walking in with Eduardo in her arms.

"Waaaaaahhhhhhhhh" Eduardo cried rubbing his eyes.

"They've got to get used to it" said Dad.

"Ok". Mum nodded walking out of our room.

"C'mon girly!" Dad sighed tugging the edge of my duvet.

I slowly got up and followed dad through to the main room.

Jet lag if your reading this, I hate you!

Anna's POV
All the kids were being fussy and Jonathan and I were also very tired. Natasha slept on the plane for the whole 9 hours so she wasn't as tired as us.
Jonathan was right we needed to get the kids up so they can get used to the time zone here.

We all decided to watch Mulan as we haven't seen that one before. It's nice to watch something that isn't frozen! We were all huddled on the sofa, I was squashed between Natasha and Jonathan. Jonathan was holding Emilia whilst Erin sat on the armchair holding Eduardo.

The film started and I could feel myself falling asleep. Erin, Emilia and Eduardo had already drifted off to sleep. It was so cute! Erin was cradling Eduardo in her arms, rocking him forwards and backwards. Erin is the cutest big sister!
Erin's POV
I think we all fell asleep on the sofa as when I woke up I had a sleeping Eduardo in my arms and it was dark outside.

All of a sudden we heard a bang from outside. This of course woke everyone up.

"Fireworks!" Emilia giggled, sitting up on Dad's lap.

"Huh?" Dad mumbled wiping his eyes.

"Fireworks!" Eduardo repeated clapping his hands.

"Oh no, we should get down there before they finish!" Mum said yawning.

"Let's stay here!" I suggested. We went through to the balcony and leant over the side.

Reds, blues, yellows, greens, pinks, golds and silvers shot into the sky and exploded into bursts of colour. The Disney castle was all lit up and Disney songs were being blasted out of massive speakers.

"This is magical lads!" Dad says pointing his camera at the castle.

"It's beautiful" I whisper.

Mum puts her arms around me and plays with my hair.

"You enjoying it?" Mum whispers in my ear, kissing me on the cheek.

"I love it" I reply and I carry on watching the show.
The fireworks had ended and we all headed back inside.

"Bed time my friends!" Dad sings into the camera.

"We just slept the whole day!" I say.

"You need to get used to the time zones here so bed now missy!" Dad smiles cheekily pointing towards my bed.

"Can I stay up a little longer?" I say pointing a pout at Dad.

"Ok then!" Dad chuckles. "Hey, why don't you vlog?"

"Ok" I smile as tiptoe into my room trying not to wake Emilia. I rummage through my backpack to find the camera. I tiptoe back out the room and join dad on the sofa.
I turn the camera on and face it towards me.

"Um.....Hi it's Erin!" I brought myself to say. It was like I was talking to millions of people which I was.

"Tell them about your day" Dad says off camera.

"We are in Florida and we have just seen the fireworks and it was really cool" I smile.
"So yeah I'm going to probably vlog a lot more, so bye for now!"

I turn it off and hand it to dad to edit.

"That was really good friend!" He says smothering me in a hug.

"C'mon go join Emilia, goodnight Erin!" Dad smiles kissing me softly on the cheek.

"G'night Dad!"
I head into my room and change into some stripey red pyjama bottoms and a white t shirt with red writing that says ' a dream is a wish your heart makes'.
I snuggle into my bed and fall into the fluffy land of my dreams.

Sorry I haven't updated I went back to school! To be honest it was ok, I've got some good teachers and some bad. I've got food tech which is brilliant! I'm so glad I've got two more days off! Hope you all enjoyed your summer!
Btw I don't know if I will be writing as much as I did during the holidays, I will update weekly depending on homework and school and stuff :)

Steph x

Part Of Your World: Book 1 in the Adopted by the SACCONEJOLYs seriesWhere stories live. Discover now