34- Miss you so much

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Erin's POV

It was half 1 in the morning and I abruptly woke up from a horrid nightmare. Emilia and Eduardo had been taken away from me and I was locked away in a little room all by myself and I was about to starve to death. It felt so real and so familiar like it had happened before.

I began to open my eyes. At any moment now Emilia would run into my room but she didn't... I looked around me and remembered we were in a hotel room. I began to cry softly into my pillow . I wanted Emilia and Eduardo so bad.

Jonathan's POV

I somehow woke up at half 1 due to the sound of soft crying. I turned over to see that Erin was crying. I got out of bed and began to rub Erin's shoulder.

"What's up baby girl?" I whispered sitting down beside Erin.

"I....miss...Emilia....and....Eduardo.." Erin sobbed.

"Don't worry, you'll see them tonight!" I reassured her.

Erin shrugged and was silent for a long time.

"Would you like to sleep with Mum?" I asked.

Erin shrugged again and mumbled: "I'm not 3"

I began to stroke Erin's hair as she began to fall back to sleep. I felt horrible when I was away from my siblings when I was younger so I know how she feels. Erin then fell back to sleep and I soon joined her.

*Later that day*

Anna's POV

It was 10 o'clock in the morning and we had just come back from breakfast. Jonathan was in the shower whilst Erin was sat on the bed watching Joe's latest video. She seemed upset.

"You ok baby girl?" I asked.

Erin nodded as a tear drifted down her cheek.

"You missing Emilia and Eduardo?"

Erin nodded again.

"I know exactly how you feel" I said sitting down next to her. "I miss my siblings so much, every day!"

Erin looked up at me with tears strolling down her cheeks.

"Aw its ok!" I comforted her. "How about we face time Tasha as she's looking after the kids?"

Erin's frown instantly turned upside down as I began to put Tasha on face time.

Soon the cute faces of my son and daughter appeared on the screen.


*on Face Time*

"Mummy! Ewin!" Eduardo exclaimed.

"Mummyyyyy and Erinnnn!" Emilia said, jumping up and down.

"Hi!!!!" Me, Erin and Jonathan smiled. Jonathan had literally just come out of the shower.

"I'm missing you two like crazy!" Erin said.

"Miss you to!" Emilia beamed.

We then all talked for what seemed hours before Erin, Jonathan and I headed out to a shopping centre in Manchester. We visited so many shops. I bought loads, Jonathan not so much. Erin bought a toy each for Emilia and Eduardo in the Disney shop and a Tanya Burr lip gloss.

After a day of shopping we went back to the hotel, packed up our stuff and went strait to the airport. Jonathan and I decided we would get the plane back as it was getting late and we wanted to go back home quicker.

A few hours later we found ourselves sitting on the plane flying high over England. We will be going on a plane again in the next week as we are going to vidcon. I can't wait!

Erin's POV

We got home about half 11 at night. I was so tired but I really wanted to see Emilia and Eduardo So I crept into Emilia's room whilst she was still asleep. I started to stroke her her but I accidentally woke her up.

"Ewin?" Emilia said opening her eyes.

"Hi Emilia" I smiled happily. I kissed Emilia on the cheek before handing her the Minnie Mouse toy I bought today.

"Tank you" Emilia smiled cuddling it.

"I lovee you sooo much Emilia!" I whispered.

"Love you Erin" She yawned.

I tucked Emilia in before kissing her on the forehead. I then tiptoed into Eduardo's room and tucked his new Mickey Mouse toy into his bed with him. I kissed him on the cheek and snuck into my bed and then I fell asleep. I seriously cannot live without my family. They mean so much to me and I will never take them for granted.

Hey guys! I hope everyone had a good week!

Don't forget to hit the poo poo button!

Bye friends!

See you in the next chapter...

Steph x

Part Of Your World: Book 1 in the Adopted by the SACCONEJOLYs seriesWhere stories live. Discover now