11-Shopping date

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Thanks for reading so far! I love writing this! I can't believe I've had more than 200 reads! Thanks so much!
Erin's POV
My bedroom door creaked open.
"Good morning again, my little friendliest friend". Dad sings softly.
I smile and jolt right up. Dad opens my curtains. I check the time on my iPad. 7:30! Wow it's early.
"Did you like my singing gorgeous?" Dad smiles.
"Yeah". I giggle.
"Well that's going to be your alarm clock for the next morning of your entire life!" Dad cackles like an evil witch.
I giggle as dad lets me meet the tickle shark!
"C'mon monkey lets get you up we're going........" Dad begins.
"Monkey.......do you get it.......I'm wearing a monkey onesie?!" I interrupt.
Dad and I laugh our heads off. Me and dad do have some good banter!
"C'mon lets get your brother and sister up!" Dad adds whilst still giggling.
I get out of my bed and we walk into Emilia's room. Dad hasn't vlogged today so he gets out his camera and points it to Emilia who looks super cute.
"Good morning again, my little friendliest friend!" Dad sings waking Emilia up. "Good morning Emilia!"
Emilia grunts and gets out of bed.
"She's like a teenager already!" Dad jokes. I laugh. Emilia is only three!
We all go into Eduardo's room.
"Good morning again, my little friendliest friend!" Dad sings again.
Eduardo jolts right up and dad lifts him out of his cot.
Then all of us head downstairs for breakfast.
"Hello my gorgeous kiddies!" Anna says to us, giving us each a hug. She then finishes her breakfast.
We all sit down at the table. Dad hands us each a banana. Well Emilia and Eduardo half one each.
"A monkey eating a banana!" Dad chuckles. Anna and I laugh.
"Apple or orange kids?" Dad asks scanning the fridge.
"Orange please!" I reply.
"Apple!" Eduardo exclaims.
"Orange pweeze!" Emilia says.
Dad gives us our drinks.
"Erin, Cheerios, cornflakes or weetabix?" Dad offers.
"Ummmm.......cornflakes please" I reply.
Dad hands me my Cornflakes, Emilia her Cheerios and Eduardo his weetabix. I gobble it up whilst Anna talks to us about the plans for today:
"So, Erin do you want me to help you with the shower?"
"Yes please mum" I reply.
"So after we've all got dressed, I will wake up Oma and Erika and we will head out the door to go shopping to get you some clothes" Anna suggests.
"Cool" I say.
"Perfecto" Dad tries to say in an Italian accent.
We all laugh at dads voice. I do love my family!
Anna's POV
Today will be fun. Jonathan and I are taking Erin out to blue water to get her some new clothes and other essentials.
When Erin finishes her cereal I take her to the bathroom on the top floor. She undresses herself and gets in the shower. I help her wash her hair and body. Erin doesn't have any toiletries yet so I let her borrow my Aussie shampoo and conditioner and snow fairy shower gel from lush. When Erin finished, I wrapped a towel round her and she got changed into her new Hollister jumper, some old leggings and her new air max. I then dried her hair and put it in a side fishtail braid.
"Thanks Mum for helping me!" Erin smiles.
"No problem girly" I reply.
"Kiera always helped me with the shower because.......because.........when I was younger I was scared of it especially when I got put in care" Erin sighs with a tear rolling down her cheek.
"Aw baby girl" I say and wrap her into a gentle hug. "C'mon head downstairs for a while and then we will set off!"
"Ok" Erin smiles and heads downstairs.
I then head into Jonathan's office and wake up Mum and Erika.
I love my family. They are the best thing in the entire world. The thing that I will cherish my whole life no matter how old I get.
Jonathan's POV
Whilst Anna was helping Erin with the shower, I take the kids upstairs and get them dressed. I head into Emilia's room and dress her in a white top with a lemon on it which says 'squeeze me!', I also put her in a lemon coloured tutu and white tights. I then went to Eduardo's room and got him changed into a plain white top, a grey cardigan with blue sleeves and some dark blue jeans. Cute! I then take them both downstairs and they settle down to watch Peppa pig.
Erin soon came down followed by Anna, Oma and Erika. Everyone was dressed so we thanked Oma and Erika for looking after the kids and headed out. I helped Erin get into the family car and did her seatbelt up. I then took the car seats out and put them in the boot.
"C'mon gorgeous girl numbers 1 and 3! Let's hit the road!" I laugh and set off to blue water.
About 10 minutes into the journey Erin fell asleep. She looked so cute! She woke up about 20 minutes later. Anna turned around and smiled.
"Good morning Erin! We need to talk about school and other things" Anna suggests.
"We want to pull you out of school and start home-schooling, it was hard finding a tutor but our friend Oli whites brother is getting home schooled so we thought you could join him?" I explain. "What do ya think?"
"Ummmm..........ok.......is he nice? Is it better than being at school? Will the work be harder? Will the tutor be nice? What happens if I fail?" Erin asks shooting questions at us like a gun.
"It'll be fine darling, James is very nice so are his family, it will be exactly the same level work" Anna explains.
"Ok thanks mum and dad" Erin smiles.
"Also you know that time when we were driving to the park and you said you didn't get that much singing practise?" Anna smiles.
"Yeah" Erin replies.
"Well Jonathan and I have decided to let you join a theatre company" Anna announces.
"Thanks so much! You are the best parents in the world!" Erin grins.
"Awwww" I say.
"No problem girly" Anna smirks.
"So what days do I go there?" Erin asks.
"I think it's Wednesday from 5:30 to 8:00 and then Saturday from 9:30 to 12:00" I explain.
"By the way, Kiera sent over you allowance and some extra money last night!" Anna adds handing Erin the envelope with the money in.
I could see Erin smiling in the reflection of my wing mirror.

We arrived to blue water about half an hour later. We parked the car and headed into the massive shopping centre.
I got out my camera and started to vlog:
"Hello we are in blue water buying Erin some essentials and stuff" I say into the camera.
I point it towards Erin.
"You excited?" I ask her.
"Yup" Erin smiles.
I point the camera back towards me.
"Emilia and Eduardo are at home with Oma and Erika if your wondering" I smile and put the camera in my pocket.
Anna's POV
Erin was shocked to see the size of blue water. We need to take her to Westfield as that is even bigger!
(A/N I haven't been to blue water my self so I don't the order of the shops)
The first shop we went into was lush as I said Erin could choose a shower gel from here, a soap for the kids bathroom and a bath bomb for Emilia and Eduardo. She chose the happy hippy shower gel, the soap called honey I washed the kids and a bath bomb called ickle baby bot which was a little blue robot that smelt like lavender.
"Thanks so much!" Erin said with a big smile on her face.

We payed and then headed to primark.
Whilst Jonathan was looking around to see if they had some cute clothes for Emilia and Eduardo, Erin and I were searching through the ages 8-13 section for essentials. We picked up 12 t-shirts with different patterns and designs on. Erin picked up some leggings and jeans, I picked up some jumpers and jackets. Erin saw this cute shirt that had Ariel on it which said: 'mermaid hair, don't care'. I really liked it so I put it in the basket.
Jonathan then came over with a cute light blue frozen jumper with a pink inside for Emilia and a blue jumper with Thomas the tank engine on for Eduardo. I stick my tongue out as Jonathan puts the items in the basket. He sticks his tongue out at me to, Erin sees us and we all burst out laughing
"Right, I think all you need now is pyjamas!" I say trying to recover myself from laughing.
We searched around for pyjamas. I picked up a pair of one direction pyjamas, Erin picked up a pair of fluffy pyjamas and Jonathan was searching for an age 10 in the one direction all-in-one pyjamas. He finally fished one out and added it to the basket.
After we payed for our damage in primark, we were very hungry so we let Erin choose what to have for lunch. She requested a simple McDonald's so we headed to find the restaurant.
When we arrived, I found a seat for us whilst Erin and Jonathan went to get the food.
Erin's POV
I feel so fortunate for what Mum and Dad bought me. I asked for McDonald's because it was cheap and I didn't want them to spend even more money on me. I've never been able to have a McDonald's in my life so this was quite exciting.  I also went with Dad to order because I wanted to pay for it with my allowance.
As we waited for our turn to order, Jonathan asked me what I would eat:
"So what are you having princess"
"Ummm........I've never had McDonald's before that's kinda why I came with you" I explain.
"There's the kids menu of a burger, chicken nuggets or fish fingers?" Dad asks.
"Chicken nuggets please" I reply.
"What drink? There's strawberry, chocolate, vanilla or banana milkshake or coke, sprite, fanta?"
"I've never had a fizzy drink before so can I have a chocolate milkshake please" I ask.
"Of course" Dad smiles.
When it finally our turn The man asks us what we would like.
"Um....can we please have a McChicken sandwich with medium chips and a vanilla milkshake, a crispy chicken and bacon wrap with medium chips and diet coke and a chicken nugget happy meal with a chocolate milkshake?" Dad says.
"Wow" I say.
"That will be 11.50 please sir" the man says getting the food ready.
I search the envelope and get out the money before dad can get the money out of his wallet.
"Here dad, I'll pay" I offer.
"Darling you don't have to" he smiles.
" I would like to, please". I beg.
"Are your sure, you could buy something else with that"
"I've got some more money, it's fine" I smile.
"Ok girly". Dad smiles back.
I pay the man and we go sit down.
I sit next to Mum and Dad sits opposite us.
"Thanks Erin". Dad smiles.
Mum had the expression on her face of 'what's going on'.
"I payed for the meal" I explain smiling.
"Jonathan!" Mum gasps.
"It's ok" I explain. "I made him let me pay"
"Ok darling, sorry Joffee" Mum says pouting.
She gives me a kiss on my forehead and a kiss on Dad's lips.
"Aww, my parents are the cutest!" I smile.
Mum hugs me whilst dad kisses my hand.
Dad then gets out the camera.
"Maccy ds!" He exclaims.
He points the camera towards mum and I.
"Having a nice meal girlys?" He asks.
"Yeah" we both reply in unison.
When we finish up our lunch, we head out and do the rest of our shopping. I'm so lucky to have an amazing family. I know I say this all the time but I do love my family.
Thanks for reading so far! Sorry I haven't uploaded in a few days but here is the new chapter! I really like the idea of bringing James and Oli into this fanfiction. I will also bring Zoe and Alfie into it and some other YouTubers to.
See you in the next chapter.....

Part Of Your World: Book 1 in the Adopted by the SACCONEJOLYs seriesWhere stories live. Discover now