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Jordyn POV:

After rehearsal I went to my room and took a shower. I got out of the shower and dressed up in a pink dress that I bought before I left for the tour. I curled my hair and did my makeup. I wanted to look nice for my family. I checked the time and it was 3:55. I grabbed my purse and headed down to the hotel lobby. I came down to see Ben sitting on the couch.

"Oh um I didn't know I was suppose to dress up for this, I can go change real quick!" Ben said.

"Ben, it's fine. I just wanted to dress up for my family. You look fine! Let's go, my family is probably already there. They are always early for everything!" The restaurant was close to the hotel so we were able to walk to it. We got there and my parents weren't there yet so we got a table and waited for them. I texted Parker.

Me: Where are you guys?

Parker: Be there in 5 minutes, Timmy had to take like 100 bathroom breaks!

"They are almost here. So, I've told you about my brothers and how they are over protective so...watch out. They will probably ask you 1000 questions. I apologize for them in advance." I said.

"Jordyn, it's fine. I'm sure they will be fun." Ben responded. I saw my family coming through the door so I stood up to meet them. Timmy ran up and gave me a big hug.

"Jordyn I missed you!" Timmy yelled.

"Aw I missed you too Timmy!" My Dad was right behind him with Luke. "Hi Dad! Hi Luke!" I gave them both huge hugs. And then last was Parker. He ran and grabbed me and gave me a hug spinning me around.

"Glad to see you again J" He said.

"Um guys this is Ben, he plays Race in Newsies. Ben, this is Timmy, Parker, Luke and my Dad." I said.

"Hi, nice to meet you all! You have a very talented daughter sir!" He shook their hands and then we sat down in our booth. I sat between Ben and Parker on one side and Timmy sat between Luke and Dad on the other.

"So, have you been surviving without me?" I asked Parker.

"Yeah, life moves on without you J. Do you really think my world revolves around my baby sister?" He responded.

"Hes lying. He has been looking at old pictures and videos of you guys all week. He's lost without you." Timmy added. I laughed. We are so close, we rely on each other for everything.

"Shut up tiny tim." Parker shot Timmy a glare.

"So Ben, Jordyn tells us you have a twin?" My dad said, ending the glaring war between Timmy and Parker.

"Yeah, her names Emma. We are really close." Ben said.

"That sounds just like Jordyn and Parker. They are inseparable. This is the longest they have been away from each other, they have spent their whole lives together." My dad said.

"So, you two seem to be pretty close. How did you meet?" Luke asked, referring to me and Ben.

"Well, I was put in charge of giving her a tour after she came to see the show and then we exchanged numbers and hung out the next day and just kept talking." Ben explained.

"He's become like a brother to me, he's great." I added.

"Like a brother, which means no-" Parker started but I cut him off.

"I will hurt you if you finish that sentence." I glared at him.

"I'm just staying up to date in my twins love life. I mean he is handsome, I can see you falling for someone like him." Parker continued. I looked at Ben and he was laughing but his face was red. I grabbed Parkers arm and stood him up.

"We will be right back, we just gotta have a twin to twin talk." I yanked him to the back of the restroom. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING PARKER?" I yelled.

"I just want to know if there are feelings between you two!" Parker said.

"Parker, we are 17 now, I don't need you checking up on my love life!"

"You are my twin, I want to protect you from all the jerks out there."

"Well he's different. And we don't have feelings for each other Parker! We are friends. Now we are going to go back to the table and if you say anything like that again I will take my steak knife and-" he cut me off.

"I don't want to know how that story ends." He said. We went back over to the table and sat down.

"Well welcome back you two." My dad said.

"What did we miss?" I asked.

"Well, I was explaining Ben about your nickname for Parker."

"Um are baby stories really necessary Dad?" I asked.

"I think it's cute you call him Blue." Ben added. I felt my cheeks blush a little.

"We always dressed Jordyn up in pink and Parker up in blue, she couldn't pronounce Parker and it made her mad so once she learned her colors she just called him Blue. And she still does." My dad explained.

"And then he used to call her little J until she pushed him into the table for saying it." Luke added.

"Six stitches later and I still have the scar on my forehead. So now I just call her J." Parker said.

"Are you and Jordyn going to date?" Timmy asked. My face turned red.

"Timmy shut up." I turned to Ben. "I can't even look at a guy without my family saying I'm going to date him and then attacking the poor guy."

"Are you referring to that guy at the mall? He smirked at you, he wanted to hook up with you!" Parker said.

"You jumped on his back and told him if ever looked at me again you would throw him off the empire state building!" I added.

"Yeah that was a fun day in mall jail" Luke laughed.

"Wow Jordyn wasn't kidding, you guys really are protective of her." Ben said.

"Shes our only sister, we have to protect her from all those jerks out there that will break her heart." Luke said, glaring at Ben.

"Oh look at the time we better get going." I said, pushing Parker out of the booth and pulling Ben behind me.

"But we didn't even order the food yet." Ben said.

"Oh but you don't want to be late to call time. And I have to go...help him get ready. See you all at the show tonight, love you." And me and Ben left. "Wow I am so sorry for them, they are so embarrassing."

"They were funny, they are your older brothers. They are suppose to be protective of you." Ben said.

"Yeah, but they are too over protective. As you can see they see every guy as a threat."

"Don't sweat it, it's fine." he said. I'm glad he is so understanding. He's like the brother I never had.

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