Skateboarding 101

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Jordyn POV:

"Sky!" I said running up to him after the announcements meeting.

"Jordyn!" Sky said turning around. I grabbed him in a hug and rested my head on his shoulder. "What's this about?" Sky asked.

"I'm sorry. I know how you feel and I'm sorry." I said.

"I'm so confused." Sky said.

"There's a girl I want you to meet!" I smirked.

"Jordyn, what are you up to?" Sky asked.

"You are an amazing guy who any girl would be lucky to date. And Zoe was stupid for leaving you. You are kind, caring, handsome-" I started.

"Where are you going with this?" Sky interrupted me.

"Listen. I know it's hard for you to see me and Ben together. But you are strong and you don't let it show its getting to you. Sky you are one of my closest friends. I've told you things not even Ben knows. I would hate for us to date, break up, and all that be ruined. That would suck." I smiled.

"Thanks J." He smiled grabbing me in another hug.

"Listen, we leave this city in one week. And in the next city there's this girl I know. She's beautiful and you guys would be perfect together." I smiled.

"Jordyn you don't have to set me up." Sky laughed.

"I don't have to...but I'm gonna!" I smirked.

"Listen, I'm ok. I promise. I've moved on. You are amazing and a great friend. And that's all we will ever be. Friends. And I'm ok with that. I wouldn't want it any other way." Sky smiled.

"You are amazing Sky. This world is a better place with you in it." I laughed. "Now yesterday you promised to teach me to ride your skateboard! And we have an hour until we have to be here...." I smiled.

"Gosh you are needy!" Sky laughed wrapping his arm around me. "Where's Ben?"

"He's going shopping with Josh. We don't spend every waking moment together!" I laughed.

"Well what time better than now? Let's go!" Sky said. He grabbed his skateboard and we ran outside. "It's really not that hard Jordyn. Just stand up on the board and balance." I grabbed his hands and stood up on the board. Oh gosh this is wobbly.

"I'm gonna die!" I laughed.

"No you aren't! Ok focus!" Sky said. He started to walk foreward, still holding my hands. I let out a squeal. IM GONNA FALL. "Ok if you wanna go right, lean right. And if you wanna go left, lean left. It's simple." I leaned foreward which was the right.

"I DID IT!" I smiled! My beanie started to fall off my head. Oh great. I let go of one of Sky's hands and fixed my beanie. I started to wobble a lot. "OH GOSH!" I screamed.

"Jordyn you are ok!" Sky reassured me. I smiled really bad and laughed. This is so much fun! "I'm going to let go now ok?" Sky asked.

"NO! I SWEAR SKY DONT YOU DARE!" I screamed. He let go of my hands and I was on my own. "SKY FUCKING FLAHERTY." I screamed.

"JORDYN YOU ARE DOING IT!" Sky screamed as he ran along me.

"I AM!" I screamed. Oh my gosh! I'm doing it. "WAIT HOW DO I STOP?" I screamed. And now I'm going down a hill. I'm screwed. "SKY!" I screamed. The skateboard went faster and faster. "THERE IS A FUCKING TREE STRAIGHT AHEAD SKY." I screamed. I'm going to die. This is it. "TELL MY BROTHER I WANT MY STUFFED BEAR BACK!" Sky ran up behind me and wrapped his arms and around me waist, lifting me up and pulling me off the skateboard. He spun me around laughing and set me down. The skateboard stopped when it hit the tree.

"See I told you you would be fine!" Sky laughed.

"I almost died!" I said slapping sky's arm.

"But you didn't!" Sky laughed.

"I would slap you again if my hand wasn't frozen!" I said.

"Let's head back in the theatre and warm up. All in all though you did pretty good." Sky said.

"If you ever do that again I will shoot you." I laughed. We got back in the theatre and went in the boys dressing room to warm up. Some of the guys were already in there getting ready. "I CANT FEEL MY HANDS!" I screamed.

"Well it is about 40 degrees outside." Nico laughed.

"Shut it short stuff." I joked.

"Hey I may be shorter than you but I can jump higher than you." Nico laughed.

"Very true." I smiled.

"Hey there's my girl." Ben said walking in.

"Buy me something?" I asked.

"Nope." Ben laughed.

"I did!" Josh said pulling gloves out of his bag.

"How did you know I needed gloves?" I laughed quickly putting them on. My hands already feel warmer.

"Because last week your hands almost frozen off at the park." Josh laughed.

"Yeah I really needed gloves. Thanks Joshie." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Hey who's your actual boyfriend here?" Ben laughed.

"Um me obviously." Josh laughed grabbing me in a hug.

"Sorry Ben. There's a new man in my life." I laughed.

"Wait I thought Ben and Josh were the couple." Sky laughed.

"We broke up because I just...felt like Ben wasn't putting as much effort into the relationship." Josh joked dramatically.

"I will try better baby." Ben said. "Take me back."

"Ok!" Josh smiled. He shoved me away from him and into the couch.

"HEY!" I screamed as I landed in the couch.

"Sorry J. It's true love." Josh smiled.

"Welcome to my life." I laughed. Josh started to pet Ben's head. "Oh get a room!" I laughed throwing a Newsie hat at them.

"Oh we already have one." Josh winked.

"We share it every night." Ben smirked.

"Oh boy." I said.

"Don't worry Jordyn, I still love you." Jeff said wrapping his arms around my neck.

"A yay! My fake boyfriend!" I smiled.

"Ben, Jordyns mine now." Jeff smirked.

"Take her! She's expensive!" Ben laughed.

"Hey! Shut up!" I laughed throwing another hat at him. "Can we go to the pumpkin patch tomorrow?"

"J we have press all morning!" Ben said.

"Yes but then we have the whole afternoon before the show. Please! Please! Please! Pleeeeeeeease!" I begged.

"Just say yes dude. There's no way you are gonna win this." Sky said.

"Fine." Ben agreed.

"YAY!" I haven't been to a pumpkin patch in so long! Aw this is going to be exciting!

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