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Jordyn POV:

I walked back up to my room, sweating after workouts. First day and I am already dead. Oh my gosh. I walked up and Sky was sitting outside my room.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well I was lonely so I figured you would be back soon so here I am." Sky smiled.

"Go back to Hawaii!" I laughed.

"But then you would be alone." He said.

"I can handle being alone." I laughed.

"Jordyn, just let me in." Sky said.

"Give me a minute to find my key." I said.

"No, I mean into your heart. You are putting up your guards and I don't know why." Sky said.

"Stop trying to figure me out." I laughed.

"You are a very interesting girl." Sky smirked. Oh gosh that smirk could kill. "Have you talked to Ben?" Sky asked.

"No? Why would I have?" I asked.

"Um because you and Ben are like inseparable." Sky said.

"Well we look pretty separate right now." I said. I never noticed how pretty his eyes were. "Let me go into my room and change." I said. Jordyn you came here to train, you don't have time for boys. No matter how cute they are. I opened the door and walked into the room. Suddenly my ankle gave out and I collapsed to the ground in pain. I screamed and grabbed my ankle.

"JORDYN!" Sky screamed running over to me. "Are you ok?" He asked.

"No! My ankle. It really hurts. OW!" I screamed. I feel like I'm being stabbed in the ankle.

"We are taking you to the ER." Sky said.

"No!" I said. If I go there they will tell me something's wrong and it will interfere with my training.

"Jordyn you are in extreme pain! We are going, it's right down the street!" He called for a cab and carried me down. We got to the ER and they sent me for an X-RAY.

"Well, it seems her ankle is broken. It must've never fully healed when you hurt it last." The doctor said.

"No, no it can't be broken." I said.

"I'm sorry but it is." The doctor said. This ruins everything! Ugh!

"So what now?" I asked.

"You are gonna be in a cast for 6 weeks." The doctor said.

"6 WEEKS!?!" I screamed. That's like 2 months! What am I suppose to do with the tour?

"Sir, she's in a tour of a Broadway show, she can't be out for 6 weeks." Sky said.

"Is there any way we can reduce that time?" I asked.

"Well, if we put her on crutches and she promises not to put any pressure on it for 3 weeks we can look at it again and see if she can take it off. But we want it to heal completely or else this will happen again in 2 months." The doctor said.

"Are you sure it isn't broken? See I'm in the middle of training and-" I started.

"Ms. Lively. I'm sorry but it's broken and there's nothing we can do about it. And I think this break will be good for you." The doctor said. "Somebody will be in to put you in a cast shortly." He said and left. Great. This is just great. My ankles broken on my first day of training. Ugh I just wanna scream.

Ben POV:

I stood on the porch of our hotel room, looking out at the beach. Jordyn left last night. What am I suppose to do without her? And where's Sky?

"Hey bud." I heard Josh say.

"Hey." I said.

"So how did it go last night?" Josh asked.

"Well I showed up to stop her but when I got there her flight had just finished boarding and they had closed the doors already. I tried but they wouldn't let me in." I said not looking back at him. "So she's gone." I said.

"Don't worry, she will be back." Josh said.

"Will she Josh? Because you don't know that." I said. "And today was our 1 year anniversary. Apparently I wasted a year of my life. How great." I said. My phone buzzed and it was a call from Sky. "Dude where are you?" I asked when I answered.

"I'm in New York with Jordyn. I tried to stop her but I couldn't and a I didn't want her going alone." I said.

"Is she ok?" I asked.

"Well she broke her ankle. She has to be in a cast and on crutches for 3-6 weeks." Sky said. I want to be there right now, I want to be holding her and telling her it's ok.

"Well....that sucks." I said. "She'll be fine. She's strong." I said.

"Ben I think you should come out here. You and Jordyn need to fix things." Sky said.

"Fix what Sky? Because I didn't think there was anything wrong! I loved her Sky, I gave her everything! And then she just up and left me! All that there is to fix is my broken heart and I can fix that on my own. Hope she feels better." I said and hung up.

"What was that about?" Josh asked.

"Nothing." I said. "I tried to stop her. I thought she would be waiting at that airport for me and run into my arms and tell me she loves me. But instead she got on a plane with Sky and went and broke her ankle. Guess it's her and Sky now. Well two can play this game. There's tons of pretty girls on this island."

"Ben listen to me. Jordyn still loves you she just doesn't realize it. Don't go make a stupid mistake." Josh said. "There are tons of pretty girls here, but none of them are Jordyn. None of them will love you like Jordyn does and none of them will make you as happy as she does." Josh continued.

"She loves me, huh. Because I don't think when you love somebody you leave them broken hearted and go to the other side of the country with his friend!" I screamed.

"Ben she's confused!" Josh screamed back.

"Well I'm not. She can do whatever she wants now. I'm done." I said. I ripped off our promise ring she had gotten us before she left the tour when her parents were in a custody battle and threw it off the porch. Just a representation of a broken promise.

"You are gonna regret that." Josh said.

"I regret nothing except ever getting involved with Jordyn." I said.

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