Morning thoughts

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Jordyn POV:

I woke up to Ben shaking my arm like crazy.

"What the fuck are you doing? Leave me alone." I said rolling over.

"Jordyn!" Ben said jumping into the bed and getting under the covers.

"What?" I asked rolling to face him.

"I'm so glad to see your face again. I promise I will never let Lexi hurt you. I love you so so much." Ben smiled.

"Who the hell is Lexi?" I asked. It's too early for this shit.

"I will explain later! I'm just glad to see your face." Ben smiled. Gosh this kid is a dork. "I never want to lose you."

"Please explain what is going on." I said.

"I had a dream...well more of a nightmare. We were here and you broke up with me and went to New York. And then in New York you broke your ankle so this girl named Lexi came to replace you on the tour and she was a total bitch and she killed you." Ben explained.

"So in your dream I died? You subconsciously want me dead?" I laughed.

"No! It was terrible! I woke up shaking and screaming!" Ben said.

"Well you certainly have a crazy imagination." I laughed.

"I'm just glad we are still here in Hawaii." Ben smiled.

"Where else would we be? Canada?" I joked.

"You know I wouldn't mind going back to Canada. People are so friendly there." Ben laughed.

"Ben what are you doing? It's 6 in the morning?" Emma asked sitting up.

"Emu I had a nightmare." Ben said also sitting up.

"Your brother subconsciously wants me dead" I said.

"Benjamin Cook it is 6 in the morning, go back to your room and let me sleep." Melissa said.

"Can we go watch the sunrise?" Ben whispered to me.

"Are you gonna try and kill me?" I laughed.

"Shut up!" Ben laughed grabbing my hand and pulling me out of bed. We went down the elevator and sat on the beach.

"So tell me more about your dream. I broke up with you, why?" I asked.

"Because you said you needed space and that we were too serious and you didn't like your whole future being planned out." Ben said.

"Those are stupid reasons." I laughed. "Did you date anybody while we were broken up?"

"No...well kinda...." Ben said.

"Oh? Who!" I asked.

"Lexi...." Ben said really quietly.

"You dated the girl that killed me!" I said.

"Ok it was before she tried to kill you and it was only for a day!" Ben said defending himself.

"And then you broke up with her?" I asked.

"Or she broke up with me. One of the two." Ben said.

"Ben!" I said.

"Hey you were pretty close with Sky and almost dated him!" Ben said.

"You have some interesting dreams." I laughed.

"Tell me about it. But it scared the crap out of me. Don't you ever die on me." Ben said grabbing my hand in his.

"Ben even if I die I will still be with you in your heart. Nothing will change that." I smiled.

Jeff POV:

"Did you hear that screaming this morning?" I asked brushing my teeth.

"Yeah, wonder what happened. Whoever it was sounded terrified." Chaz answered combing his hair. There was a knocking on the door and Chaz answered.

"Have you guys seen Ben?" I heard Josh ask.

"He's probably with Jordyn." I answered.

"I hope so. I had to wake him up this morning cuz he was screaming and crying and shaking and it was terrifying." Josh explained.

"That was Ben! Oh my gosh what happened?" Chaz asked.

"He had a nightmare where Jordyn died. He was really scared." Josh explained.

"I would be too. Now quick question, did he mention anything about me in his dream?" I asked.

"He didn't give me the details." Josh said.

"Damn it." I said putting my toothbrush away.

"Isn't that Ben and Jordyn right there on the beach?" Chaz asked looking out the window. Me and Josh ran over and there they were.

"Aw look at those cuties." I smiled.

"Isn't tomorrow their one year anniversary?" Chaz asked.

"Yep." Josh smiled.

"We should do something special for them!" Chaz smiled.

"Like what?" I asked.

"I don't know but we have all of today to figure it out." Chaz said.

"What if Ben already has something planned?" Josh asked.

"Oh please, it's Ben." I laughed.

Ben POV:

"Josh I wouldn't go out in the water, the waves look really rough." I said.

"They are fine! Come in with me!" Josh said.

"Nah dude, those waves seriously look too rough." I said. "There's a reason nobody else is in the water."

"Oh man up! I'm going in with or without you." Josh said. He turned and ran to the water. He stood waist deep in the water and held up his arms. "SEE ITS FINE!" He screamed to me. Suddenly a huge wave appeared behind him.

"JOSH WATCH OUT!" I screamed. He turned but it was too late. The wave landed on him, engulfing him into the sea. "JOSH!" I screamed. I stood up and ran and the water calmed. Not a single wave was being formed. "Josh are you ok?" I asked, his body washed up on the shore. "JOSH!" I screamed, tears streaming down my face. I put my ear to his mouth and he wasn't breathing. I couldn't feel his heartbeat either. "JOSH!" I screamed again, my throat tight and my stomach in knots. "You can't be gone!" I said holding onto his lifeless body. You can't be

My eyes shot open and I jerked myself up. I was breathing heavily and my heart was racing. My eyes darted across the room, it was a dream Ben. It was just a dream. My eyes were filled with tears and I was breathing in short heavy breaths. It was dark and quiet, everybody else was asleep. I looked from Parker, to Josh, to Sky. They were all breathing. I laid back down and stared at the ceiling. One day all of this is going to be taken away from me. And it could be any day. One day I'm not gonna have Josh, or Jordyn, what if they die before me? I looked at my clock and it was 4:07 in the morning. I grabbed my phone and sent Jordyn a text.

Me: Hey

I waited for awhile but there was no response. She's obviously asleep. Or what if something happened and she's dead? And nobody knows because they are asleep. Ben, she's fine. She's obviously alive. Why would she die on the day of your one year anniversary? Well then again, you don't get to pick the day you die. Any day on the people I love and care about could die, and what then? How am I suppose to survive? What about when I die....what's death like? Do I go to heaven? What's that like? Will I get to see the people I love again? What if I can't find them. Or what if they don't die till a long time after me? Or what if all of them die and I'm left all alone? I looked at my clock again. 4:10. Figures.

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