Sandy Lips

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Ben POV:

I opened my eyes, waking up from a nap? Where am I? Ow! And why does my arm hurt? All the memories of this morning flooded my memory. Right. That's why my arm hurts. I sat up and saw Jordyn and Josh sitting at the table playing cards.

"Morning pumpkin pie." Josh smiled.

"What time is it?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"It's time for me to kick some Burrage ass. ROYAL FLUSH BABY! SUCK IT!" Jordyn screamed throwing her cards down and pumping her fists in the air.

"I HATE POKER!" Josh said throwing his cards down on top of hers.

"Did you have another nightmare?" Jordyn asked.

"No I don't think I got into a deep enough sleep to dream." I said.

"Well at least you got some sleep. Now we need to talk." Jordyn said. She stood up and sat down on the bed next to me. "You know we are here for you right? And you can tell us anything."

"I know." I said.

"Then why didn't you Ben?" Josh asked.

"I...I don't know." I said looking down.

"What you did was not the way to solve your problem." Jordyn said. She reached her arm out in front of me and Josh handed me a knife. "Cut my arm." Jordyn said.

"Jordyn I told you earlier I can't-" I started.

"Do it Ben. Cut my arm. Cut it 3 times just like you cut yours." Jordyn said.

"Jordyn I can't!" I cried tears streaming down my face.

"Cut it 3 times right where you cut your arm. Look me in the eyes and cut me." Jordyn said, her face dead serious and her tone stern.

"Jordyn stop! I'm not cutting you!" I cried.

"WHY?" Jordyn screamed.

"BECAUSE I CANT HURT YOU LIKE THAT." I screamed. Right then I understood everything. I dropped the knife to the floor and looked Jordyn in the eyes. She put her arm down and a faint smiled appeared on her face. "It hurts you to see me doing this." I said quietly. "I'm hurting you more by cutting myself than I would if I cut you." I said. Tears formed in Jordyns eyes as she grabbed my hand.

"Ben I love you so much." Jordyn smiled through tears.

"I'm so sorry Jordyn." I cried. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"All of this started because of your dreams. We need to figure out how to stop those dreams. Do you know why you started having them?" Jordyn asked.

"Fear. Fear of losing you guys. Fear of losing everybody I love." I said.

"Buddy you are stuck with us for eternity." Josh smiled sitting on the other side of me.

"But what if-" I started.

"No what ifs. We are here right now and that's all that matters. Nobody knows what tomorrow is going to bring. So, let's just live in the now. We are here, together, and nothing can stop that." Jordyn said. I wrapped my arms around their shoulders and pulled them towards me.

"I love this love triangle." I laughed.

"And we love you too." Josh said.

"Now, we are in Hawaii and we are only here for one more week. So let's make this the best week ever." Jordyn smiled. There was a knock on the door and Josh stood up to open the door. Jordyn picked up my arm and kissed where the band-aids were. She looked up at me and kissed my cheek.

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