The debut

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Jordyn POV:

Ok it was time. Time for my broadway debut. I sat in the dressing room smudging dirt on my face.

"Are you nervous Jordyn?" Melissa asked.

"A little...ok a lot! What if I forget a dance move or a lyric or fall on stage!" I freaked.

"You are going to be fine sweetie! You were perfect during the dress rehearsal!" Melissa comforted. I pulled out my phone to see if anybody texted me. I had a text from Parker.

Parker: Good luck J, can't wait to see you perform! You are going to kill it! Love you! Break a leg (not literally though because that would so ruin your broadway debut)

I couldn't help but laugh at his text. I also had a text from my best friend Maura.

Maura: Good luck tonight, wish I could be there! Have fun being surrounded by cute dancing boys everyday! See you soon!

I put my phone away and looked in the mirror. Wow, this was really happening. 15 minutes until the show started. I was all stretched out and had warmed up my voice already. I went backstage and stood there, calming my nerves. I took some deep breaths. I was shaking, a lot. Somebody put their hands over my eyes and I jumped.

"I know it's you Ben" I laughed. He took his hands off my eyes and stood next to me.

"You are shaking more than a chihuahua!" Ben said.

"Yeah well I'm pretty nervous." I replied.

"Don't be! You were perfect at the dress rehearsal, you didn't miss a beat!"

"Yeah well this isn't dress rehearsal, this is the real thing."

"I know you are going to be just as amazing!"

"Thanks Ben." He gave me a hug and smiled at me.

"We better get in places for the opening. Good luck." He said.

"Um yeah I will be there in one minute." I replied. And then he left. I stood there alone for a minute then felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Good luck Jordyn!" Sky said.

"Thanks Sky. I'm pretty nervous but I think I'm ready."

"Just go out there and have fun! I gotta get in my place, you should too." He smiled and left. Well, it's time. Let's go.


I ran off the stage after bows, I can't believe that actually just happened! I started to walk towards my dressing room when somebody ran up from behind me and picked me up, swinging me in a circle. I turned around to see Be smiling at me.

"Jordyn you were amazing!!! You killed it!" His smile was so big and his amazing blue eyes were sparkling.

"Thanks! I'm still in shock that that really just happened!"

"We better get changed, it's time for you to meet the fansies and sign autographs for the first time! Come to my dressing room when you are done and we will head out to the stage door!" He gave me a hug and then ran off. I went back to my dressing room and took my hair out of the wig. I changed my clothes and wiped the dirt off my face. I checked in the mirror to make sure I looked good and then I went over to bens dressing room. He was outside of the dressing room waiting for me.

"You ready?" He asked.

"I think so. They aren't too crazy right?" I replied.

"Fansies? They are the definition of crazy!" He joked and we started to walk towards the stage door. Ben opened the door for me and I could hear the screaming when they saw Ben. I went out first with Ben right behind me. I looked at him, confused of what to do. He put his arm around my shoulder and walked me over to the first person. He pulled 2 sharpies out of his pocket and handed me one.

"I figured you wouldn't have thought to bring one." He smiled. He signed the playbill and smiled for a picture with the person and then moved onto the next person. I followed his lead, staying close to him. He would look back to check on me every now and then, making sure I was doing ok. When I reached the end of the line I saw my family standing there waiting for me. I ran straight to Parker and gave him a huge hug. Ben followed right behind me.

"J you were amazing! I didn't recognize you as a boy at first. You know, I always wanted a twin brother instead. Prayers do work!" Parker joked. I went and hugged my dad next.

"I'm so proud of you Jordyn! My baby girl is growing up." My dad said. I hugged Luke and Timmy and then me and Ben took them backstage for a tour. Timmy thought everything was so cool. He was most excited to meet Dan! We showed them all around backstage and then onto the stage where we took even more pictures.

"Thanks for coming tonight guys, it means the world that you were here for my debut." I said.

"Anything for my favorite sister, and I got to miss a math test!" Timmy said. I laughed and messed up his hair, he hates that.

"Well we are leaving early in the morning so we better head back to our room. Jordyn we are so proud of you. You are such a beautiful and talented girl." My dad smiled and hugged me. "Take care of her for me Ben, she's my baby girl. She's always had us looking after her, now we are trusting you all with her." Of course my dad has to embarrass me.

"Don't worry sir, we will protect her. She's a part of the Newsie family now and we always look out for each other." Ben said, putting his arm around me. I said goodbye to Timmy, my dad and Luke. Then I got to Parker. This goodbye was the hardest. Last time we said goodbye it was only for a week, this time it will be a lot longer. I grabbed Parker and hugged him.

"I'm gonna miss you J" he whispered.

"I'm gonna miss you too Blue," I whispered back.

"Stay close to Ben, he's a great guy." He whispered.

"He's a great friend." I replied. We finally let go and they left. Me and Ben went back to our dressing rooms and grabbed our stuff, then we met outside and started to walk back to the hotel.

"So can I ask you a personal question?" Ben asked.

"Sure." I replied. I wonder what he's thinking.

"Do you ever talk to your mother? Like any communication with her?" He asked.

"No, not since she left us."

"So does she know you are on tour?"

"Not as far as I know, I didn't tell her anything about it and neither did my father."

"I'm sorry." Ben said. There was an awkward silence. "So what do you want to do to celebrate your Broadway debut?"

"Honestly I'm exhausted. I just wanna go to bed."

"Oh you are such a party pooper!"

"What! We have an interview tomorrow and I need to rest up!"

"Ok well we are filming two interviews for them. We are doing an actual interview at 2 and then we are doing a pre-show tour thing. So meet me here in the lobby at 1:30 tomorrow ok?"

"You got it!" We rode the elevator up and went to our rooms. Today was perfectly amazing, I just wish Parker wasn't leaving.

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