What If....pt 1

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A view of what would have happened if Sky had given Jordyn the tour instead of Ben. This will take 2 chapters :)

Jordyn POV:

"So that's our set! Are you excited for to start?" Sky asked.

"More nervous than excited!" I nervously laughed.

"Don't be nervous! I'm sure you will do great!" Sky said.

"That's just...a lot of seats!" I said.

"Jordyn you are gonna kill it." Sky said. I looked into his eyes. They were so kind, so sweet, so...oh my gosh stop it Jordyn. "Too bad you are dressed up as a guy every night, you are beautiful." Oh gosh now I'm blushing.

"Hey Sky! You coming?" Two guys asked stepping onto the stage.

"Yeah! Hold on! You guys need to meet our newest member! Jordyn, this is Josh and Ben. Josh and Ben this is Jordyn!" Sky said.

"Nice to meet you!" Josh smiled shaking my hand.

"Welcome to the family!" Ben said. I was only half listening to them. Did Sky just call me beautiful? Am I reading too far into this?

"Nice to meet you two! You guys can head out! I'm just gonna look around a little more." I smiled.

"Hey Jordyn, why don't you give me your number so I can call you! Maybe we can meet for breakfast tomorrow!" Sky said.

"Sounds perfect! Here, hand me your phone." I said. I entered my number in his phone and handed it back. He smiled and turned and left with the other guys. Wow, first day and I already met a super cute boy. But I can't hit on him, that would be weird. Right? Because we are on tour together. Wait, what were those other guys names? I was barely paying attention. Crap. Oh well, I will meet them again tomorrow. I looked out all the seats. All those seats will be filled and they will be watching me. Oh gosh now I'm super nervous.

*the next day*

Wow, that was intense. I did not expect rehearsal to be that hard. I walked out of the theatre and Sky was waiting outside for me with Ben.

"There's the little superstar!" Sky smiled.

"What are you talking about? I could barely keep up with you guys!" I laughed.

"You were great Jordyn." Ben smiled.

"Thanks Ben, but not as great as you guys were." I laughed. These guys are so sweet.

Ben POV:

"That girl Jordyn is something." Sky smiled.

"Yeah, she's hysterical." I added.

"And beautiful..." Sky said.

"Oh. My. Gosh. SKY IS CRUSHING ON THE NEW GIRL!" Josh screamed.

"No I'm not!" Sky said, his face blushing.

"YOU ARE BLUSHING. OH MY GOSH YOU DO LIKE HER." Josh screamed jumping on his bed.

"Would you shut up!" Sky said throwing a pillow at Josh.

"If it counts for anything I think she likes you too." Josh smirked.

"How can you tell? She's only been here 2 weeks. I said.

"By the way she looks at him. The way he looks at her. It's all so obvious." Josh said. Sky was really blushing now. Josh looked at me and his face dropped. "Hey Sky, can you grab me something from the snack machine?" I asked pulling a dollar bill out of my pocket.

"Um sure?" Sky said. He took the money and left.

"You like Jordyn too!" Josh said when Sky left.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Ben, sweetie-" Josh started.

"Don't call me sweetie." I interrupted.

"I can read people like books. You like Jordyn." Josh said.

"Stop being smart." I laughed.

"Tell her!" Josh said.

"I can't! Just like you said, she likes Sky." I said.

"Say something. Talk to her." Josh said. Sky came back in and threw Josh the chips. "Thanks dude."

"I gotta go." I said. "See you guys." I got up and left. Say something, say what? I walked down to Jordyns door. She's just, so amazing. Her smile, her laugh, the way she smiles really big when she feels awkward. I knocked on her door and she opened the door. She was wearing a sweat shirt, shorts, and her hair in a messy bun.

"Hey Ben! What's up?" She asked.

"Um not much. I was just super bored." I said shoving my hands in my pockets nervously.

"Well good because I'm bored too! So come on in!" She said. My hands were sweating. I can't do it. But I have to.

"So Jordyn, have you had fun?" I asked.

"Yes! It's been the best time of my life! I miss my brother a lot though." She said.

"Well don't worry. You got me, Josh, sky, and the whole cast." I told her.

"Yeah, you all were so sweet last when the stage door thing happened...." She said.

"Trust me, we all didn't mind staying the night. I mean there was about 15 of us that stayed the night in one room but we would do anything for you." I told her. anything.

"I know. You guys are amazing." She said and grabbed my hand. Her eyes stared into mine. Her beautiful, brown eyes.

"Jordyn have to tell you something." I said.

"You can tell me anything." She smiled. What if this ruins everything? There was a knock at the door. "Hold that thought!" Jordyn smiled. She ran up and opened the door. It was Sky. Did Josh seriously send him? "Hey Sky!" Jordyn smiled.

"Jordyn I like you. A lot." Sky said. Josh came running up behind him.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO COME TO....oh hey Jordyn. Ben." Josh said seeing us.

"Um...I don't know what to say." Jordyn said.

"Ben! Do you have anything to say?" Josh asked.

"Um...nope." I said. My heart fell in its chest. Sky beat me to it.

"Wait what were you going to tell me Ben?" Jordyn asked.

"Nothing." I said.

"Ben likes you!" Josh blurted out.

"And Josh is dead meat." I said. Jordyns face got really red.

"Um guys. I'm flattered. But, this is kind of overwhelming. I don't know, can I have some time to think? I just need to be alone for a little. Jordyn said, pulling her sleeves over her arms. She does that when she's nervous. I got up and left, following behind sky and Josh.

"Why would you do that Josh?" I asked.

"Dude I didn't know you liked her." Sky said.

"Well I was gonna let you have her. She obviously liked you." I said.

"Dude, you should've talked to me." Sky said. "I wouldn't have told her that."  I feel terrible, I shouldn't have gone down there. Poor Jordyn.

"Who do you think she will pick?" Josh asked.

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