Josh Talks With Jordyn

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Josh POV:

I can not believe he woke me up just for this. I walked down the hall and to Jordyn's room. I knocked on the door. She opened up, still in her pajamas.

"Oh, hey Josh!" She said. Ok, I don't know what to say.

"Hey Jordyn! I was just...uh bored and wanted somebody to hang out with." Really Josh? That's the best you could come up with.

"Come in!" Jordyn said smiling. I guess that worked! 

"So how has your first week been with Newsies?" I asked her.

"Amazing! I can't wait to go to the next city tomorrow!" she told me. Now I have to figure out how to work Ben into the conversation without being obvious.

"Yeah, traveling is one of the best parts of the job." I replied. 

"Since we are on a plane do we have like assigned seats or do we sit wherever." She asked.

"There aren't assigned seats so you can sit wherever and with whoever on the plane." I told her.

"I don't know who I'm going to sit with." She laughed.

"You can sit with me and Ben! We were planning on sitting together and the plane has 3 seats together so it will be perfect!" Ok, I think I can finally work Ben into this conversation.

"Really? Awesome thanks!" She said, smiling really big.

"I will let you sit in the middle so you can sit next to Ben."

"I can sit wherever! It's fine! If you want to sit next to Ben I can take the aisle or window seat!" She replied. Ugh, she isn't getting it.

"Well I mean you two just seem so close..."

"Yeah he's like a brother to me, it's great. He's amazing." NO YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO LIKE HIM NOT SAY HE'S LIKE A BROTHER!

"Come on Jordyn, I see the way you look at him." She blushed when I said that. "YOU LIKE BEN! I KNEW IT!" I screamed, excited that this was working.

"SHHHH! He's right down the hall!" She scolded me.

"I knew you liked him! The way you smile when your around him, the way you look at him, how you go to him for safety and protection." I explained. She was blushing a lot now.

"Is it that noticeable?" She asked shyly.

"Well let's just say I may or may not have lost 20 bucks. Depending on how today goes." I joked.

"He just sees me as a sister though, nothing more." She explained. This actually kind of ironic, I couldn't help but laugh. "Don't laugh at me!" She said hitting me with a pillow. 

"Ok is it everybody hit Josh with a pillow day?" I laughed.

"You're his best friend, do you now how he feels about me?" She asked. Uh oh. Ben told me to find out how she felt, he never said anything about telling her how he felt. I gotta get out of here.

"Oh gosh look at the time, I better get going." I said as I ran towards the door. Jordyn ran behind me and jumped on my back.

"Spill it Joshua!" She screamed.

"I can't say anything! I don't want to be in the middle of this!" I told her. She jumped off my back and glared at me.

"Fine, you don't have to tell me. But you can NOT tell Ben how I feel.  You have to promise me you won't tell him or anybody. Promise?" She said. Great. The whole reason I came here was so I could tell Ben how she felt, but now she's making me promise not to tell him. I should've just gone back to sleep. This is what I get for getting out of bed this morning. Her eyes looked desperate, how could I not keep her secret safe?

"I promise." I told her. She smiled and gave me a hug.

"Thank you." She said. She was such an innocent young girl, you can tell she's never been hurt by a guy. She let go of me and I turned and left to go back to my room. I don't know what I'm going to tell Ben. I opened the door and Ben ran right to me.

"What did she say? Does she like me? Did you tell her I liked her? What happened!" He said frantically, not allowing me time to answer his question before he threw another one at me.

"I'm sworn to secrecy." I said.


"Her eyes just seemed so desperate and I couldn't say no to her! But she is sitting with us on the plane ride tomorrow so yay!" I said trying to change the subject.

"Come Josh! Tell me! I won't tell her you told me!" He pleaded.

"I'm sorry Ben but I can't. Oh is that my phone ringing? Oh look its a text from Zachary he wants me to come to his room. COMING ZACHARY!" I faked, and ran out of the room. I felt bad not telling Ben what I knew, but  I couldn't break my promise with Jordyn. They are going to end up together sooner or later, considering they both like each other. When though, I have no idea.

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