Pink Sprinkles

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Ben POV:

First thing in the morning we went straight to the airport. We sat there, waiting for our flight to board. We sat on the ground against the wall.

"You sure about this Jo?" I asked, wanting to make sure she was ok with leaving.

"Yeah, I think I am. You are right, I need to get away from here." I could tell this was hard for her. I combed my fingers through her long brown hair.

"Well they gave us tonight off, but we go back tomorrow. So how about tonight we have a date night? We can do whatever you want." I told her.

"Can we just have a lazy night in the hotel?" She asked.

"Of course, anything you want." 

"Thank you Ben, for everything." 

"I would do anything for you Jordyn, I'm crazy about you."They called for our flight to board and we grabbed our stuff. I walked through the gate and turned to Jordyn, she had stopped right before giving the lady her ticket. "You coming Jo?" I asked.

"I can't do it. I can't." She said, her eyes tearing up.

"Jordyn come on, it's for the better."

"Ben just go without me. I need to stay here, you need to go." 

"I'm not going back without you Jordyn! If you are staying so am I."

"No Ben, you aren't staying. I need to stay here with my brother for the week and you need to go back to the tour. I'm not letting you stay here. Go." I ran to Jordyn and grabbed her in a hug. 

"I'm not leaving you, you are my girlfriend and I am not leaving my girlfriend."

"Then I'm going to have to break up with you Ben. You need to go back to the tour, it's better for you. You shouldn't be here. I'm sorry." She said through tears and she turned and ran.

"Jordyn wait!" I screamed, but she kept running. I stood there, watching her run away from me. She just broke up with me, I don't understand. I just wanted to stay and support her, what's so bad about that? My eyes started to tear up and I sat down in the boarding area. I love her, I really do. And now she's left me, and I don't understand why. I don't know what to do. Should I say? Should I board the flight?

"Last call to board flight 7704" I heard over the intercom.  I had to make a decision quick. I stood up, my vision blurry from tears and grabbed my stuff. Let's hope I don't regret this decision.

Jordyn POV:

I jumped into the cab, still crying. What did I just do? He was just being sweet. I just felt like I was ruining his life. I was the reason he was missing shows, I was the reason we couldn't start the vlog, I was ruining everything. I stared out the window, barely able to see. I just made the worst mistake of my life. Ben was the best thing to ever happen to me. He was sweet, caring, funny, loving. He was perfect. Too bad Im a screwed up mess. I may be rich, but my life is totally fucked up. I have a mother who wants nothing to do with me, a brother who doesn't know who I am, another brother who won't leave me alone, and I'm just a mess and he deserves better. I got to my house and ran into my bedroom. There was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" I asked through tears.

"Its Kelsey. Can I come in sweetie?" Kelsey was our live in nanny. She's been working here since my mom left us. She's the closest I've ever had to an older sister.

"Yes come in." I said, wiping the tears from my eyes. She opened the door and sat down on the bed next to me, putting her arm around me.

"Why am I so stupid?" I asked, crying into her shoulder.

"Aw sweetie, you aren't stupid. You are a very smart and talented girl."

"I broke up with Ben. He wanted to stay here with me and I told him no not to stay, to go back on the tour. He wouldn't. He said he wasn't leaving his girlfriend and so I broke up with him. I don't know why, I just didn't want him to stay and deal with my crap. It's my own shit. He shouldn't have to deal with my problems." 

"He just wants you to be happy honey, he really likes you."

"And I really like him. That's why I broke up with him. I care for him too much to make him have to deal with my shit. I'm broken and I don't want to break him." I sat there for awhile with Kelsey, she stood up and got my hairbrush and brushed out my hair. She stood me up and we walked over to my full body mirror.

"You know what I see? I see a beautiful, talented, and not broken girl. She works hard for what she wants and doesn't get caught up in greed. Don't think little of yourself Jordyn, you are amazing." Kelsey said, smiling.

"Thank you Kelsey, for everything."

"Why don't I have the chef make you some lunch." Kelsey said, starting to leave.

"Kelsey wait. Instead of having the chef make something, can you and me make cupcakes? With pink frosting and sprinkles?" I asked. When I was younger, me and Kelsey would always make cupcakes like that. She wanted to teach me to be independent and not rely on somebody to make everything for me. 

"Of course sweetie, let's go. Who needs boys when you have food." She joked. I just hope I made the right choice...

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