Whos Lexi?

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Keep up the comments! Your reactions are priceless! I swear I'm not Satan and I'm not trying to kill you 😂

Ben POV:

Well, today's the day. We are on the plane headed back to the tour. I wish I could say it had been an amazing two weeks in Hawaii. I mainly spent the rest of the time sitting in my room. I had no will to do anything. I haven't talked to Jordyn since she left. I haven't tried to text her and she hasn't tried to text me. Life moves on I guess. We landed and settled into our hotel rooms and then we had a newsies meeting. I walked into the room and Jordyn was sitting off to the side with Melissa and DeMarius.

"Hey dude glad to see you again." Sky smiled.

"Great to see you too." I smiled. Lie. I looked around and there was a girl I had never seen in the room. Who the heck is that? The meeting started and they invited the girl up on the stage.

"This is Alexis Martine. She will be filling in for Jordyn while she is out on injury. Jordyn we are hoping you recover quickly. But until then Alexis will fill in. Alexis, tell us about yourself." The announcer said.

"Well first off I go by Lexi, Alexis is too formal." Lexi laughed. "I'm 17 years old, I'm from Tennessee, and I'm excited to be joining this cast for a short amount of time!" She smiled. Her blonde curls fell into her face and her blue eyes were shining in the lights. Wow. After the meeting I pushed my way through everybody and went up to her.

"Hi I'm Ben! Welcome to the tour!" I smiled.

"I'm Lexi. Nice to meet you!" She smiled.

"You have a cool accent." I said.

"Gotta love a country accent." She laughed.

"I was gonna go grab a bite to eat. How about I give you a tour of the theatre and then we grab some subway?" I asked.

"Sounds great! Let me get my bag." She smiled and walked away. I looked over at Jordyn and she was looking back at me. We stared into each other's eyes for a minute. I could see the pain in her eyes. She's the one who left me though. We were interrupted when Sky came up to her and they left together.

"Hey, you coming to dinner with me and Nick?" Josh asked.

"Nah, I'm giving Lexi a tour and then we are going to go to Subway." I said.

"Giving her a tour huh? Isn't that how you and somebody else met?" Josh smirked.

"Yeah but this tour is going to start with you dying." I smiled.

"Ouch. Just...don't rush anything or do anything you will regret. You and Jordyn-" Josh started.

"Are over. She ended it. I'm moving on and obviously so is she with Sky." I said. Lexi walked up next to me. "Lexi, this is Josh." I said.

"Nice to meet you." She smiled shaking his hand.

"Oh my gosh your accent." Josh said. She laughed and Josh just stared at her.

"And that is the end of the Josh part of the tour." I laughed shoving him away. "Let's go." I smiled. The first place I took her was her dressing room. "This is the dressing room you will share with Meredith and Melissa." I said opening the door. Lo and behold Jordyn was sitting on the couch.

"You must be Jordyn Lively!" She smiled walking up to J.

"Hi nice to meet you!" Jordyn smiled.

"I hope you recover soon! I broke my ankle last year and ended up on crutches for 8 weeks." Lexi laughed.

"Lord I hope I'm not on them that long." Jordyn laughed. "So what are you up to?"

"Ben's giving me a tour." Lexi smiled.

"Of course he is. Apparently he does that with every new girl." Jordyn smiled.

"Well we better keep going. Next I will take you on the stage." I said trying to get out of this awkward situation.

"Nice meeting you Jordyn! Hey me and Ben are gonna go out to eat after this tour, wanna come?" Lexi asked. Shit. Shut up Lexi.

"Um I'm good. Thanks for inviting me though." Jordyn smiled. Lexi turned and left. I stared at Jordyn for a second and she stared back. "Have fun." She smiled.

"Jordyn can we talk?" I asked.

"You seem to be a little busy right now." Jordyn said.

"Jordyn I don't know why you seem mad at me." I said.

"I'm not mad. Have fun with Lexi." Jordyn said. She pulled out her sleeves over her hands and tucked her hair behind her ear. She feels awkward. That's what she does. This would be a good time for me to go....

Josh POV:


"Is he still with Lexi?" Jeff asked.

"Yeah. After subway they went to the park." I said.

"What the hell is wrong with that boy?" Jeff asked.

"What the hell is wrong with Jordyn?" Nick asked.

"We need to get them back together!" Chaz said.

"How? He's off with Lexi and she's off with Sky!" I said.

"Why don't they understand they are perfect for each other?" Chaz said.

"Maybe that's the thing." Jeff said.

"What?" We all asked.

"Jordyns scared. She knows Ben's the one and that scares her." Jeff said.

"Wow Jeff is smart." I laughed.

"They will end up together in the end and everything will be fine! Just give them time." Jeff said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Not 100. But pretty sure. Jordyns scared of love. She just needs to overcome it." Jeff said.

"Good. Because they are my OTP and this is killing me. I feel like the child of divorce right now." I said.

"What ever are you going to do on Christmas?" Chaz laughed.

"I will spend the morning with Ben and the evening with Jordyn and they can fight over who gets me on my birthday." I said. It just doesn't feel right without them together.

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