Jordyns Answer

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Ben POV:

"So?" I asked. Please say yes, please say yes.

"Ben I...I don't know." Jordyn said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I honestly don't think I'm ready. But I never don't want you in my life. So....friends for now?" Jordyn asked. Friends....not exactly what I wanted.

"Friends it is." I smiled, faking a smile through the pain. "But when your ready..."

"I know. You will be waiting." Jordyn said.

"As long as it takes." I said.

"As long as it takes." Jordyn said.

"WHY ARENT THEY KISSING YET?" I heard Josh scream from the car, even though the windows were up.

"How we gonna break the news to Josh?" I laughed.

"We have to do it gently." Jordyn laughed. She let go of my hand and the necklace was now in my hand. "Keep it. Until I'm ready." She smiled warmly. This girl is so perfect I just want to be with her, even if it's just as friends. As long as I never lose her. We stood up and got back in the car.

"I didn't see a kiss." Josh said.

"And there won't be one. We are friends." I said.

"Best, friends." Jordyn said smiling.

"No no no no no no noooooo" Josh sang. "The whole point of this was so you two would make up and be boyfriend and girlfriend again! That's why I made Nico and DeMarius take Lexi to the movies and why I called Maura and made her come down here for Sky and-" Josh said quickly but Jordyn cut him off.


"But the amusement park!!!" Chaz whined.

"We need to go stop Maura and save Sky." Jordyn said.

"Why does Sky need to be saved?" I asked.

"I'm not saying anything until Chaz turns this car around." Jordyn said.

"Alright alright. Gosh we barely got 20 minutes away." Chaz said turning around.

"When Sky ended his and Mauaras little thing he just totally cut her out, and she got really upset. And then she got really mad. She now hates his guts and wants revenge. I don't talk to her anymore, she's crazy!!! How long has she been here?" Jordyn explained.

"She got here early this morning, not long before we left." Josh said.

"Shit. CHAZ STEP ON IT." Jordyn screamed.

"J I'm sure he's fine. What's the worst she can do?" I asked.

"You don't want to know the worst she can do." Jordyn said. Oh boy. We got back to the hotel and we sprinted up to Sky's room that he was sharing with Nico. "SKY!!!! SKY OPEN UP" Jordyn screamed banging on the door with her crutch. The door opened and Maura was standing there.

"Oh hey Jordyn. Long time no see. I thought you were dead considering you never answer my texts anymore." Maura smiled.

"I stopped answering them because you were fucking stalking Sky. Speaking of Sky where is he?" Jordyn asked.

"He's not in right now. Try again later." Maura smiled and started to close the door. I put my hand on the door and pushed it against the wall.

"Tell me where Sky is. Now." I said.

"Oh well aren't you just so strong." Maura smiled.

"She needs to be in a mental hospital." Jordyn whispered in my ear.

"Maura listen, I stopped texting you cuz you were scaring me with how obsessed over Sky you are. Please let us see Sky." Jordyn said.

"Fine. Come on in. But only Ben and Jordyn." Maura said. I looked at Jordyn and we headed in. She opened up the bathroom and Sky was sitting there tied up.

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you Maura?" Jordyn asked.

"This seems like something from a movie." I said.

"Oh my gosh." Jordyn said. "It is! This is just like your favorite movie! The girl tied the guy up and kept him there and married him and-hold up. Were you gonna try and marry Sky!"

"WE ARE IN LOVE." Maura screamed. Sky rolled his eyes and I couldn't help but laugh.

"You wanna join him pretty boy?" Maura asked.

"Oh hell no." I said.

"Maura, what happened to you? You didn't use to be crazy." Jordyn said.

"I'm not crazy. I just want what you and Ben have." Maura said.

"Oh we aren't-" I started but was cut off by Jordyn grabbing my face and kissing me. What. What is happening. I'm not imagining this right? She's actually kissing me? I put my hands on her waist and just let it happen. She pulled away and I stood there wondering what the hell just happened.

"Are you just trying to rub it in my face?" Maura asked.

"Maura, this is love. What you are doing with Sky, is just crazy. Now go untie that poor boy." Jordyn said. Maura looked at her and walked over and ripped the tape off sky's mouth.

"WOMAN YOU ARE CRAZY!" Sky screamed.

"Shut up Sky." Jordyn said. She untied Sky and he stood up and ran over next to me. "You can't make somebody love you. You can't control somebody's emotions so that you are happy. Somewhere out there is the guy for you and Sky isn't it. I mean you wouldn't wanna date Sky anyways. Look at this dorky face." Jordyn laughed squishing his face. Maura looked at Jordyn and burst into tears running and grabbing Jordyn in a hug. "Maura sweetie, go home. It's best for you there."

"Sky I am so so sorry I don't know what I was thinking and-" Maura started.

"It's ok. Just a little painful considering you ripped the duct tape off my mouth." Sky said rubbing his mouth. She gave Jordyn one final hug and left.

"gosh she's crazy." Jordyn said.

"Yeah no kidding. Who invited her here?" Sky asked.

"I DIDNT KNOW SHE WAS BONKERS." Josh screamed from outside the room.

"Hey thanks for playing along with that kiss." Jordyn smiled.

"No biggie." I said.

"Sky why don't you come back to my room and we can watch a movie and let you recover from the traumatizing experience." Jordyn laughed. He agreed and Jordyn gave me a kiss on the cheek goodbye and they left. I sat down on Sky's bed. Gosh I had missed her so much. When she kissed me, it felt like everything was back to normal. Like she was dating me again. I felt my eyes water up and a tear streamed down my cheek. I miss her, I want her back. I could still feel her soft lips on mine. But then she left with Sky....Sky. I just hope while she figures her life out she doesn't fall in love with him. My phone buzzed and it was Lexi.

Lexi: heard you all came back from the amusement park. Movie with Nico and DMC just ended, wanna go get something to eat at the cafe?

Me: how about instead we go to that nice restaurant down the street?

Lexi: sure! Meet you there in 30?

Me: perfect. And dress nice, we will look weird in dance clothes lol

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