The Zoo pt 1

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Ben POV:

"IF YOU ARE GOING TO THE ZOO YOU HAVE 5 MINUTES TO GET IN THE CAR BEFORE WE LEAVE WITHOUT YOU!" I screamed. We were suppose to leave half an hour ago but of course nobody was ready. Josh quickly ran out of his room. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me and gave me a look.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me." Josh said. We were wearing the same shirt.

"NOT CHANGING!" We both screamed at the same time. Jordyn walked of her room with Melissa.

"Aw you two are twinning! How cute!" Jordyn laughed. We didn't have time to change so we went and got in the car anyways. Melissa was driving and me, Jordyn, and Josh all got in the far back seat. A minute later, Chaz, Sky, Zachary and Jeff all came down. Jeff sat shotgun and the other 3 sat in the row behind the drivers seat.

"Let's hit the road!" Melissa said. The zoo was about 45 minutes away from our house we were staying at.

"Are we there yet?" Zachary asked about 30 minutes into the car ride.

"Not yet, we still have like 15 minutes." Melissa replied.

"How about now?" Josh asked 5 minutes later

"Look around, do you see a zoo?" Melissa asked.

"No." We all replied.

"So do you think we are at the zoo yet?" She asked.

"What if we are but all the animals are invisible?" Josh said.

"Oh boy." Melissa said.

"MELISSA!" Jeff screamed.

"What!?!" She replied.

"YOU JUST RAN OVER ONE OF THE INVISIBLE ELEPHANTS!" Jeff screamed. She reached over and punched his arm.

"Wow an animal killer and a bully!" I said.

"Keep talking Ben and you will be joining the elephant." Melissa said. Once we were finally at the zoo we parked the car and all got out.

"Please nobody end up in zoo jail by the end of this trip." Melissa said.

"No promises." I said. Once we were in the zoo we split off into separate groups.

"Zachary make sure you are always with somebody so we don't leave you here." Josh joked.

"You get left behind at one gas station! Gosh!" Zachary said. Me and Jordyn went off on our own.

"Can we go see the giraffes first? They are my favorite!" Jordyn said, so we went to see the giraffes.

Sky POV:

Me, Josh, and Zachary split off into our own group. We were trying to find where the penguins were because Zachary was dying to see the penguins. I looked down at my phone and all of the sudden I ran into a girl, knocking the notebook and pen she had been holding out of her hand.

"I am so so sorry!" I said picking up the notebook off the ground and handing it to her.

"It's ok, I don't mind cute guys running into me." She smiled. "My names Zoe."

"Hi I'm Sky." I replied.

"Well nice to meet you Sky. Are you here alone?" She asked.

"No, with a bunch of my friends. But yeah know, I don't they would mine if I ventured off on my own for a little." I nodded for the guys to go ahead and I started talking to Zoe. "So are you from around here?" I asked.

"Yeah, about 5 minutes from here. I come here all the time. What about you?"

"I'm actually traveling the country right now."

"So how long you here for?"

"2 more weeks. Then I'm onto my next city." We sat down at a picnic table under a tree.

"Why do you travel? Are you trying to find someone, maybe yourself?" Zoe asked.

"I found someone, but somebody else found her before me. I'm actually just traveling for my job." I didn't want to tell her what I did, it didn't feel right.

"You seem too young to be traveling for work."

"Well maybe I am searching for something. You ask a lot of questions."

"I'm a very curious person. I think its interesting to find out all the layers of someone. Ask the right questions and you can find out something about somebody that they didn't even know." She smiled. Her smile was so beautiful. It was soft with a hint of mystery in it. She opened her notebook and started to write in it.

"What are you writing about?" I asked.

"You." She answered, continuing to write.

"Can I read it?" I asked.

"Not yet." She smirked. There was something about this girl that just made me want to never leave her side. She had a mystery to her, a classy vibe, and all around beauty. She never spoke loud or fast. She spoke in a quiet, elegant voice. Every word she said rung in your head, it was a beautiful sound. She was calm and collected and hid secrets behind her eyes. "Let me see your arm." She said. Without hesitation I put my arm in front of her. She wrote her number on my arm then stood up, grabbing her notebook and pen. "Until next time." She said, kissing my cheek and then she left. Ok what the hell just happened. She was so intriguing so mysterious so...different. Zoe.

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