Coming Back

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Jordyn POV:

I stood in the airport, leaning against the wall. It was Saturday which meant it was time for me to return to the Newsies tour. They were leaving today for the next city and I was going to meet them there. I boarded the plane and pulled out my phone and turned it off. I was so nervous to rejoin the tour, scared to face the boys. I had been ignoring their calls and texts all week, I can't see them. They all probably hate me. This is going to suck. At least I have a 2 hour plane ride to think about what I'm going to say to them.

Ben POV:

I boarded the plane and sat next to Zachary. I had forgotten we were leaving today, guess I will never see Ally again. It's probably for the better. She was really nice and pretty and all but I just didn't feel a connection. 

"So, time to see Jordyn. You nervous?" Zachary asked.

"Um, yeah. I just don't know what to say to her." I replied.

"Are you over her?" Zachary asked.

"I tried to be, I met this other girl and was gonna take her out to coffee today because I forgot we were leaving. But the whole time I was with her all I thought about was Jordyn."

"You really like her."

"Yep, she just doesn't like me." I pulled out my phone to turn it off. I checked to see if Ally had answered any of my texts. When I saw she hadn't I turned my phone off. 

Once we landed, I got off the plane. I quickly pulled out my phone and pulled up Jordyn's contact. Should I call her? No, I'm seeing her soon. We all got our luggage and met outside the airport. They told us since we were here for 3 weeks we would be staying in rental houses. Sweet! That's so much better than a cramped hotel room. We were given our house assignments and I quickly read through the list. I was in house 3 with Josh, Sky, Nico, Jeff, Chaz, Zachary, Melissa, and Jordyn. WAIT HOLD UP! I'M IN THE SAME HOUSE AS JORDYN. She was in a room with Meredith BUT STILL WE WOULD BE IN THE SAME HOUSE! THIS IS AWESOME! I CAN TRY AND WIN HER BACK! I was grinning from ear to ear when Melissa came over to me. 

"Why is Benjie boy so happy? Could it be because he is in the same house as Jordyn?" She joked. I started to blush, a lot.

"Possibly. Melissa, this could be my chance! I can win her back!' I replied.

"Well, remember she's in a room with me so if she doesn't show up in our room I will be storming into yours." She joked. Melissa was like a mom to us on tour.

"Don't even go there Melissa!" I laughed. We got on the bus and went to the houses. I ran into the house, hoping Jordyn was already there. She wasn't. I went to my bedroom and threw my stuff on the bed. I will just wait for her. Jeff walked into the room and threw his stuff on the other bed.

"I AM SO TIRED!" Jeff yelled.

"You slept the whole flight!" I laughed.

"It was only an hour and a half flight though." Jeff said, throwing his face into the pillow.

"So, when Jordyn gets here, what should I do?"

"I think you should let me sleep!" Jeff laughed. Melissa knocked on our door and walked in.

"I thought you would want to know a certain somebody's cab just pulled up!" She smirked. I stood up and tried to run out the door but Melissa grabbed me. "Not so fast speed racer. You are going to stay in here for awhile. Let her get to her room and get situated. Now sit!" She commanded. I listened and sat back down on the bed. My legs were shaking, I just wanted to go talk to her, win her back. My phone rang and I answered, seeing it was Ally.

"Hey Ally! Sorry I couldn't follow through with our coffee date." I laughed.

"It's ok, I understand. I just wish I could see you again." She said.

"Well-um-I'm in another city. And listen, there's this other girl that I thought I was over but honestly I'm not. She's all I think about. I'm sorry, I just can't get over her. You are amazing and sweet and-"

"Ben it's ok! Go get the girl then, she seems special." She hung up the phone and I laid down on the bed. Yeah, she is pretty special.

Jordyn POV:

Great, I'm in the same house as Ben for the next 3 weeks. I got out of the cab and was greeted by Melissa.

"Jordyn! I'm so happy to see you again girly! How's it been? How's your brother?" Melissa asked.

"He's doing better! He has his full memory back and is being discharged from the hospital Monday." I replied.

"Well that's good! But how are you honey? Honestly."

"I'm getting better. It was a hard week but there were parts that were fun." I replied. She helped me with my luggage and took me to our room we would be sharing for 3 weeks. I put my stuff down on my bed and sat down on it.

"Ok sweetie I can tell somethings wrong. Spill it." Melissa said, sitting down on her bed.

"I'm just scared to face everybody." I opened up.

"Aw don't be scared! They are your family."

"Everybody probably hates me for hurting Ben. And for ignoring their calls a week."

"Nobody is mad at you hun. Just talk to them. Especially Ben, you really need to talk to him." I could feel my eyes start to water up.

"I don't know what to say to him, I-I hurt him and I didn't mean to. I was trying to avoid that."

"What do you mean?"

"I broke up with him because I had so much crap going on and I always do and I didn't want him to have to get involved in all that.  I don't want to drag him down with me. He deserves better."

"Jordyn, honey. You are an amazing girl. I have been with Ben all week, you need to talk to him."

"I just don't what to say." I said, choking on tears. Melissa came and sat down next to me and gave me a hug.

"Talk to him sweetie, I promise that is the best thing to do." She stood up and grabbed some tissues, wiping the makeup that had run down my face. I stopped crying and looked in the mirror. Melissa helped me touch up my makeup and I walked over to Bens room. This had to be done, there was no other way. I knocked on his door and he opened it up.

"Jordyn! Hi!" Ben said, smiling his goofy smile.

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