The Poem

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Ben POV:

We all sat in the living room, most people in their pajamas (luckily Josh decided to sleep with clothes on tonight).

"Are you sure it was them?" Sky asked.

"Positive. I don't know how I didn't recognize them, probably because it's been awhile." Jordyn replied.

"Ok I'm slow so you can explain it all again?" Jeff said.

"Well when I was dating Robbie he had this big group of friends.They would all come over with Robbie when he was mad and help him trash my room or whatever. They were all Robbie's evil friends. I don't know how they got there or why. I remember one time I told Robbie I was going to my friend Maura's house but instead I went to a party. Robbie's friends just happened to be at that party too, they weren't even invited they just showed up. They saw me there and forced me into a bathroom. The guy who kissed me at the stage door slapped my face and they started yelling at me and throwing things at me. They all left and locked me in the bathroom. I crawled out through the window of the bathroom and ran home. They would always help Robbie terrorize me. Ugh I thought I was done with this chapter of my life." Jordyn said, slamming her face into a pillow.

"I can not believe they would do that to you." I said, angry that somebody would want to hurt Jordyn.

"I'm going to bed, I just need to sleep and stop thinking." Jordyn said standing up. I grabbed her hand.

"Jordyn I would never do anything like that to you, I love you." I said.

"I know." She said. She kissed my cheek and went to her bedroom.

"I feel so bad for her, she's gone through a lot." Josh said.

"We gotta keep watch on her. Make sure she's never alone." I said.

"We don't want to make her feel suffocated, she's a very independent person." Sky said.

"Yeah well she needs to be safe. This guy is crazy, if she goes out to get coffee alone or something he's gonna end up being there and none of us will be there to protect her. She will understand." I said.

"I don't understand why somebody would hurt her, she's such a sweet girl. I mean she brought those two girls backstage and gave them all that stuff. She has such a big heart." Zachary said.

"Speaking of Charlotte and Rowan, what did Charlotte give you when we were in your dressing room Zach" I asked. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a nickel.

"She handed it to me and said now you got two nickels to your name. It's my lucky nickel now, I keep it in my pocket during the show for good luck." Zachary smiled.


Sky Pov:

It's our last week here before we go to Jordyn's home town. That means I only have one week left with Zoe. She had called me this morning and wanted to meet at the coffee shop again.

"So at the end of this week you move onto another city?" Zoe asked.

"Yeah, so we only have one more week together." I said.

"Actually we only have today." Zoe said.

"What do you mean?"

"My family is leaving for vacation tomorrow morning. We are going to be gone for 2 weeks."

"We can still text though right? This can't be the end."

"Sky listen, you are a great guy. You are kind and funny and any girl would be lucky to date you."

"So people tell me, too bad no girl wants to."

"This just isn't going to work Sky. I will be here and you will be traveling the country. I'm just not ready for that type of relationship. If things were different, maybe this could work. But there's a girl perfect for you out there, it's just not me. I'm sorry Sky." She stood up and walked away.

"Zoe wait! Please!" I said, but she kept walking. I stood there in shock, I thought this was going to work. I thought we had something, but apparently I was wrong. I went back to the table and sat down to finish my coffee. I saw a piece of paper folded up where she had been sitting. I picked it up and read it.

His smile was more beautiful than a thousand butterflies
I can feel my heart melt when I look into his eyes
When I am with him time just flies
The boy with the red hair.

I think of him all the time
He is always on my mind
He always talks so sweet and kind
The boy with the red hair.

I found out about a secret he had
I probably should've been mad
But knowing he's different makes me glad
The boy with the red hair.

Now it's time to say good-bye
I'm gonna miss him I can not lie
To another city he will fly
The boy with the red hair

Without him I am lost
But that right there is just the cost
When mine and his paths were crossed
The boy with the red hair.

I know that I must let him go
It's best for both of us I know
With life we must move on though
The boy with the red hair.

I folded the poem back up and stuck it in my pocket. So that's what she was writing. I sat back in my chair, smiling. I'm gonna be ok. She helped me move on from Jordyn. Well, I mean I'm not all the way over her, but working on it. Maybe one day I will meet her again and the time will be right for us, who knows.  But for now, I'm gonna be ok.

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