Shooting Stars

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Jordyn POV:

I burst through the court doors and ran out with Parker right behind me. Dad won full custody of us.

"Dad, does this mean...?" I asked.

"Yes, go." He smiled. Me and Parker smiled at each other and sprinted out of of the court house and to the car. I jumped into the backseat and quickly changed out of my dress and into more comfortable clothing. Parker stared to drive as I changed. It was time.

*1 month later*

Ben POV:

"Would you all hurry up? We are going to be late to the party!" I screamed. We had our opening night party today and at the rate these guys are going we are never going to make it.

"Coming!" Josh yelled.

"I need 2 more minutes!" Sky screamed.

"I would be ready if Jeff wasn't hogging the mirror the whole time!" Chaz screamed.

"Hey I need to make sure I look perfect!" Jeff yelled back. You can't take these people anywhere I swear! 10 minutes later everybody was in the car and we were ready to go.

"This is going to be the best opening party ever." Jeff said. Chaz shot him a glare.

"And why is that?" I asked.

"No reason." Chaz said. Suspicious. Oh well. We finally arrived at the party and it was just like every other opening party. I think Chaz is just crazy. About halfway through the party they stopped playing the music and our director came up onto the stage.

"It sucks losing a member of our team, they become like family." He started. Oh no, who's leaving now? "You are with them everyday for so long that when they leave you just can't wait to see them again." Yeah ok man get to the point of who's leaving. Please don't be Josh! "Which is why I am so excited to welcome a member of our team." Wait did he just say Welcome Back? Is Anthony coming back? Or Julian! Or an original member! "Please give a round of applause for Ms. Jordyn Lively." Oh it's just Jordy- WAIT HE SAID JORDYN! I turned to see Jordyn smiling as she walked through the doors. I instantly ran to her and grabbed her in a huge hug.

"How long are you back for?" I asked over the applause.

"Well my contract was signed for a year so...." She smiled.

"So you are really back?" I asked.

"Sorry, but you can't get rid of me that easily." She smiled. I would've kissed her but there are too many eyes watching me. How do Dan and Steph do it every night? The music started up again, but I didn't want to dance. I wanted to talk to Jordyn. I grabbed her hand and she followed behind me out of the room and up the stairs to the roof.

"So how did you convince your mom?" I asked.

"My dad won the case. 3 months of constant court trials were worth it." She smiled.

"Why didn't you tell me you were rejoining?" I asked.

"I wanted to surprise you. I told all the guys about it." She laughed.

"Speaking of the rest of the guys. HEY I KNOW YOU ALL ARE OUT HERE COME ON OUT." I said. Of course they followed us up. Josh, Sky, Chaz, Jeff, and DeMarius emerged from hiding and ran over to see Jordyn. They all grabbed her in a hug and we all sat down.

"It's great to have you back J." I smiled.

"The tour just hasn't been the same without you." Josh said.

"Aw I've missed you guys so much! I never thought I could live without Parker but now I found out I can't live without you guys! And Parker." Jordyn laughed.

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