Coffee Date

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Ben POV:

It was Friday now, I hadn't seen or talked to Jordyn since Monday when she broke up with me. I sat in my hotel room before the show, staring at our pictures. Josh walked over and ripped the phone out of my hand.

"Hey, give me my phone back!" I complained.

"No, you need to get over her Ben. All you've done this week is mope around and be sad. This needs to stop, its almost been a week since she broke up with you and you have not been the same since. I want old Ben back." Josh explained.

"And I want Jordyn back." I replied.

"Well we don't know when Jordyn is going to be rejoining the tour and she doesn't want to answer our calls. You need to get back to your old self."

"And how am I suppose to do that?"

"Well for one thing you can leave the hotel room and stop staring at pictures of you and Jordyn. When she comes back you can talk to her but until then you need to stop thinking about her. Now we have a show to go to so get your lazy ass up and lets go!" I grabbed my phone out of his hand and picked up my dance bag. He's right though, I need to get over her and move on with my life. She's not even here right now and yet she's still taking over my life. 


I wiped all my makeup off and threw on my street clothes. I put on my bookbag and headed for the stagedoor. I opened the door and heard the screams. It usually brings a smile to my face, but the last couple of days I've just had to fake a smile. I started to sign playbills and take pictures. Hold the fake smile, you just have to get through the stage door. I got to the end of the line and finally signed the last playbill. Right away, I left for the hotel. It sucks that the thing I enjoy the most has turned into something I just have to get through, I just haven't been happy since Jordyn left me. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked through me and Jordyn's pictures agains. I was focused on my phone when I ran into somebody, knocking them to the ground.

"Oh my gosh I am so so sorry!" I said, picking the person up. When they were up, I saw who it was. She was a young girl, about my age with long blonde hair and brown sparkling eyes. I suddenly became speechless.

"Oh it's ok, thank you for helping me up. I'm Ally." She said smiling.

"I-um-I-I-um I'm B-Ben." I stuttered.

"Nice to meet you Ben. Sorry I wasn't paying attention and I ran right into you." She laughed.

"Oh no it's totally my fault. I was busy looking at my phone." I looked to the ground and saw a spilled starbucks drink. "Why don't I buy you a new drink considering I ruined your other."

"I would love that." She smiled. We walked down towards the starbucks.

"So tell me about yourself Ben. You look like a dancer." Ally said.

"Actually I am. I'm a performer." I replied.

"A performer? What do you perform in?" She asked.

"Well I'm currently in a touring broadway show." I said, her eyes widened.

"Wait are you in that show, um, Newsies that's here for the week?" She asked.

"Yep that's the one!" I replied.

"That's amazing! So you can sing, act, and dance? That's amazing!"

"And all while having a cigar in my mouth." I joked.  We walked up the the starbucks only to find it was closed. "Well that's a bummer."

"It's ok, I better get back to my house anyways, my mom's probably wondering where I am." Ally said, starting to leave.

"Wait, I still owe you a starbucks. Here, put your number in and I will text you." I said, handing her my phone. She put in her number and left. I was smiling ear to ear as I walked back to the hotel. In the room, Josh was sitting on the bed on his phone.

"There you are! Where have you been? I was worried." Josh said.

"Oh yeah you look so worried." I joked. "Well, you told me to move on from Jordyn and I did. I met a girl, her name is Ally."

"Wait you meant a girl? When I said get over Jordyn I meant by going and getting ice cream not finding a new Jordyn!"

"Josh what are you so worried about?"

"Because when Jordyn comes back you two are suppose to get back together! How can that happen when you are with this...other girl!"

"Josh, Jordyn broke up with me. She's ignoring my texts, not answering my calls, she's just obviously not the one for me."

"No, no, no. I am team Jordyn and Ben all the way. You two are going to get back together and I know it but adding another girl into the equation screws everything up!"

"Josh please, I'm finally happy. I mean you've seen me this week! Crying myself to sleep, not leaving the room, staring at pictures of me and Jordyn. And now, I'm happy. Just leave it alone Josh." I climbed into bed, still thinking about Jordyn. Ugh, I need to stop thinking about her. Think about Ally. And her beautiful smile, and her hair. I tried to concentrate on Ally but my mind kept wandering back to Jordyn. She was so much prettier than Ally, and I felt a way I've never felt before when I was with Jordyn. STOP IT BEN STOP IT YOU NEED TO BE OVER HER. This is going to take a while to get over

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