Skinny Dipping

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Ben POV:

I walked down to the girl's dressing room and started to bang on the door.

"JORDYN COME ON!" I screamed. Jordyn opened the door and walked out ready to leave.

"You are so impatient!" She laughed. I grabbed her hand in mine and we walked out to the stage door. I opened the door to see a lot more fans than usual at the door. We went to the first fan and she was holding one of the pictures of me that had been put in the theatre, she asked me to sign it. Jordyn started dying laughing.

'You see, this was the work of an adorable, evil master mind." I laughed, signing the picture.

"I think this should be your new headshot." The fan joked.

"I second that." Jordyn said, still dying laughing. We took a picture with the fan and moved on to the next person who also had a picture of Ben in her hand.

"Ok does everybody here have one of these? How many of these did you print?" I asked.

"300 pictures, but thats of you AND Josh." Jordyn said, still barely breathing from laughing so hard.

"You two are my favorite couple! You are so cute!" The fan said.

"Aw thank you so much!" Jordyn smiled, signing the playbill.

"Did you put all these around the theatre?" The fan asked Jordyn.

"Yes with help!" Jordyn laughed.

"Can I get a picture with both of you together?" She asked.

"Of course!" I smiled, we posed for a picture and moved on. Almost everybody at the stage door had either a picture of me or Josh. I walked back to the house with Jordyn, Josh, and Sky.

"Ok we need to plan the prank to get back at Team Stupid." Josh said.

"Their name is Team Awesome." Jordyn said.

"That's what I said." Josh replied.

"Well we have traitors among us!" I said.

"Yeah! You two were in on the prank on us!" Josh said, referring to Jordyn and Sky.

"That was pre-team bacon though. It was revenge for ruining my toothbrush!" Jordyn laughed.

"I bought you a new one!" I said.

"Ok well in order to officially be a part of Team Bacon you must prove your loyalty!" Josh said.

"Prove our loyalty? And how exactly do we do that?" Sky asked.

"You must do our laundry!" Josh said.

"Yeah not happening." Jordyn replied.

"Yeah that was a long shot. Ok then you have to go skinny dipping in the pool in the back yard." Josh said.

"Again not happening." Jordyn said.

"Come on Jo, why not? Nobody will look while you go." I said.

"I am not skinny dipping!" Jordyn laughed.

"Chicken!" Josh screamed.

"I'll do it!" Sky said.

"Well then Sky can join Team Bacon. Come on Jordyn." Josh said.

"You have got to be kidding me." Jordyn said, rolling her eyes. Josh started making chicken noises and I joined him.

"You two are such 5 year olds! Fine I will do it but nobody can look at me! You all have to promise me you won't." Jordyn said.

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