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Jordyn POV:

Stephanie curled one final piece of my hair. She fluffed out my curls and gave me a huge smile. Meredith and Melissa stood next to her. Earlier we had gone to the store and I found the perfect dress. It was light blue with diamonds on the neck line and was tight on the top and flowy at the legs. The girls had already done my makeup and they just finished my hair. They all stood around me smiling.

"Well, how do I look?" I asked shyly.

"You look..." Meredith started.

"Beautiful." All the girls said at once. Melissa turned my chair around so I could see myself in the mirror.

"Wow." I said. I stared at myself in the mirror. I can't believe how great I look. I stood up and turned to face them. "Thank you guys so much." I said. We were in our dressing room and it was almost time for me to go. I heard a knock on the door.

"Is she ready?" A little voice I recognized as Vincent's said.

"Come on!" I said. He opened the door and his jaw dropped.

"You look beautiful!" Vincent gasped.

"Thanks buddy!" I said. I reached out my arms and he ran over and gave me a hug.

"I think I do your hair better though." He laughed.

"You do the best pin curls around." I laughed.

"Has Ben seen you yet?" Vincent asked.

"No but he's about to see her." Melissa said.

"Ben texted me that him and Parker on the stage waiting. And apparently Parkers date is very impatient." Stephanie said.

"Ben's gonna love it." Vincent said.

"Bummed I'm missing your performance tonight little buddy, do well." I said kissing his forehead.

"It's not like you haven't seen me perform it like 1000 times already and are gonna see me perform it 1000 times more!" Vincent laughed.

"Well you kill it every time." I laughed, kneeling down and holding his hands.

"You are gonna be the prettiest girl at the prom." Vincent said. I squeezed his hands and stood up.

"You ready Jordyn?" Meredith asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I smiled. We walked to the wings and Vincent led me onto the stage. Ben stared at me, eyes widened in awe. He was at a lost for word.

"Say something!" Vincent said to Ben.

"You Amazing. Beautiful. Wow." Ben said, still in awe. I did a little twirl and smiled.

"Can we just take the pictures and get to prom? It started 15 minutes ago?" Parkers date said. Me and Parker had a silent communication that we made when we were younger. It was our own sign language.

"This is seriously the girl you are taking?" I motioned to Parker.

"I hadn't really talked to her much when I asked her, didn't know she was so obnoxious." Parker motioned back.

"What is your sister deaf or something?" The girl asked.

"Nope I can hear perfectly fine." I said. I walked over to Ben and he grabbed my hand and smiled. "Nice tux." I said.

"I picked it out, you are welcome." Jeff said. Almost the whole cast had gathered on the stage with us. We took some pictures and then it was time to go. Melissa came up to me and Ben.

"Look at my two babies, all grown up." She said. I smiled and grabbed her hand

"Thank you for everything Mel." I said.

"No remember to behave and don't do anything-" Melissa started.

"We got it Mel. Thanks." Ben laughed.

"Ok guys the limo is here!" Chaz said.

"Limo?" I asked, nobody told me there was gonna a limo.

"Hey you only go to senior prom once." Ben smiled. We got in the limo and I sat with Ben on one side and Parker say with his date on the other side. I could tell he was regretting asking her, no matter how hot he says she is.

"So J, today at school they announced prom king and queen nominations." Parker said.

"Oh, and were you nominated?" I asked.

"Nah, I'm too good for that. But you were nominated and so was a certain Newsie." Parker said.

"How were we nominated? Ben doesn't even go there and I technically don't either anymore." I said.

"A group of nominated you guys, you two deserve it." Parker said.

"It should probably go to somebody who actually goes to the school." Ben said.

"Yeah like me and you P bear." Lauren said. Me and Ben started dying laughing and Parker shot us a glare. We finally arrived at the dance and I got out of the limo. It's so weird to be staring at my school.

"You ready?" Ben asked, holding out his hand. I grabbed his hand and followed him in.

Ben POV:

We had been out on the dance floor the whole. There was still 2 hours left of prom and they were about to announce prom king and queen. A lot of people were coming and talking to Jordyn, and some would talk to me too.

"Hello everyone, if we could have your attention please. We would like to announce this years prom king and queen." Somebody said on the stage. Jordyn squeezed my hand tightly, I could tell she was nervous. "If I could have the envelope please." Somebody walked up on stage and handed the announcer an envelope. "This years prom king and queen is....Ben Cook and Jordyn Lively!" The announcer said. Jordyn turned to me, grinning ear to ear. We went up on the stage and they placed the crowns on our heads. I turned to Jordyn and she looked so beautiful with her crown, like a true queen. They then played the song me and her were suppose to slow dance to together. We got down off the stage and started to dance.

"I've always known you were a queen, now you have the crown to make it official." I said.

"And your crown is crooked." She said fixing it. I couldn't help but laugh. I looked into her eyes and felt pure joy. I had the most amazing girl in the world. She smiled at me and started to laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" I laughed.

"Because, life is great." She said. This was one of those moments that you want to last forever. Suddenly, I started to feel dizzy. "Ben are you ok?" Jordyn asked. Everything started to go black. "Ben answer me." Jordyn demanded. I felt myself fall to the ground and everything was black now. "HELP. SOMEBODY CALL 911." I could hear Jordyn scream. "Ben please, please be ok. Ben answer me." Jordyn cried. "Ben come on, you are gonna be ok. Ben talk to me, what's going on? Ben I'm scared! Ben please-"

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