The Tour

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Sky POV:

I sat down in the coffee shop waiting for Zoe to come in. My leg was shaking as I kept my eye on the door.  I finally saw her come in, wearing a black and white polka dot dress with a bow clipped in hair to pull her hair out of her face. She was still carrying her notebook and pen. She ordered her coffee then came and sat down next to me.

"Hey, it's great to see you again." I smiled.

"Glad I could see you again too." She smiled, still not showing teeth in her smile. "So tell me more about your job."

"Um, well uh I travel a lot for it. I will be in a city usually for 1-3 weeks."

"Tell me more." She said, leaning foreword and resting her cheek on her hand.

"I um work everyday but I will get mondays off. I don't work until the night time though." I replied.

"But days you have rehearsal you work earlier?" She said, smirking.

"Yeah those start in the after-wait. How did you know I have rehearsals?" I asked, confused.

"You are Sky Flaherty, you play Albert in Newsies." Zoe said.

"How do you know all that?" 

"Well yesterday at the zoo you were wearing a shirt that said Newsies on it. When I got home I was curious as to what that was. I got my ipad and looked it up and lo and behold I saw your name under cast. Why didn't you tell me you were in a touring broadway show?" She asked.

"I didn't want to make things different." I replied, embarrassed.

"How would that have made things different?" She asked.

"I don't know." I said. She opened her notebook and started to write in it. "Are you writing about me again?"


"Can I read it now?"

"You can read it when the time is right." She smirked. I don't what it is about this girl, but she takes my breath away.

Jordyn POV:

I grabbed Ben's hand after bows and we ran off the stage.

"Do we have everything for Rowan and Charlotte?" I asked.

"Yep, everything's ready." Ben replied.

"Ok, I will meet you outside your dressing room." I said. I kissed his cheek and ran to my dressing room. I quickly changed out of my costume and put on my street clothes. Quickly throwing my hair into a bun, I ran out of the room. Ben was outside his dressing room ready. I went down to the stage door and sent security out to bring Charlotte and Rowan inside. The two girls came inside, smiling from ear to ear.

"Hi guys!" I said, going over and giving each of them a hug. "Did you enjoy the show?"

"It was even better than I expected, you guys were phenomenal!" Rowan said.

"Thank you so much! Well we thought it would be fun if you came back and met the cast!" Ben smiled. Rowan was smiling so big that I think her face was hurting.

"Can I meet Crutchie?" Charlotte asked, jumping up and down. 6 year olds have non stop energy!

"Of course you can!" I smiled. We took them first to Ben's dressing room that he shared with a lot of the guys. Each one of them came over, signed their playbills, and took picture with them. Rowan started to cry tears of joy she was so excited. We then took them to Zachary and Jacob's dressing room.  Zachary was still in his costume. When Charlotte saw Zachary she ran right up to him and gave him a huge hug.

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