Chaz's Missing Shoe

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Jordyn POV:

"I am legit never going in an elevator again. At least not with Josh." I laughed as me and Ben entered the theatre.

"I wouldn't either, he seems to be unlucky with elevators." Ben joked.

"Speaking of Josh, I haven't seen him at all today." I said.

"Yeah neither have I. Somethings up." Ben said. He pulled out his phone and called Josh. "No answer. This is weird."

"Should we be concerned?" I asked.

"No, I'm sure he's fine." Ben said looking a little concerned.

"Let me try calling him." I said. I pulled out my phone and called Josh.

"Hello?" A girls voice said. My eyes widened and I threw the phone at Ben.

"What are you-" Ben started to ask.

"LISTEN!" I said. He pulled the phone up to his ear.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Who is this?" I heard the girl ask. Ben screamed and threw the phone back at me. "What is going on?" The girl asked.

"Um sorry we were just looking for Josh." I said.

"Oh he left for his show. He forgot his phone though." The girl said.

"Um do you mind if I ask who this is?" I asked.

"This is Jessie." The girl said.

"Ask how she knows Josh!" Ben mouthed to me.

"So how do you know Josh?" I asked.

"I grew up with him!" She said.

"Childhood friend!" I mouthed to Ben. "Well sorry for bothering you!" I said and hung up. "See there was nothing to worry about." I told Ben. We went to Ben's dressing room that him, Josh, Nico, and Sky were sharing. Josh was searching through his bags.

"Whatcha doing Josh?" I asked.

"I can't find my phone anywhere!" Josh said.

"Well where were you today? Maybe we can go there and look." Ben said.

"Um I was-uh-at..." Josh said.

"Jessie's house?" I asked.

"How did you know? Are you stalking me?" Josh asked.

"Yeah Josh I like to follow you in my free time. I know where you are at all times." I smiled creepily.

"Ben I think your girlfriend is hitting on me." Josh said.

"Oh yeah, she's head over heels for you." Ben laughed.

"We were trying to find you so we called your phone and Jessie answered. But I am wondering why you weren't gonna tell us." I said.

" ISNT HERE RIGHT NOW LEAVE A MESSAGE AFTER THE BEEP. BEEEEEEEP." Josh said throwing his jacket over his head.

"Wow I wonder where Josh went." I said sarcastically and pulled the jacket off his head.

"Oh hey Jordyn!" Josh smiled.

"Talk now Josh." Ben said.

"Ok fine. Her name is Jessie and and we grew up together." Josh said.

"And...." I said.

"And I wasn't going to keep it a secret but the whole situation was just weird." Josh said.

"And...." Ben said.

"She kept flirting with me and trying to make a move and it was just awkward. It wasn't the same girl I grew up with." Josh said.

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