The Bromance

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Jordyn POV:

I silently crept up to Ben. Josh had let me in the room and Ben was still asleep. I jumped onto the bed and landed right next to Ben.

"WAKE UP LOSER!" I screamed. Ben screamed and fell off the bed. I leaned over and hung my head off the bed. "Did I startle you?" I laughed.

"No I just like to fall off the bed when I wake up in the morning." Ben replied sarcastically.

"Aw aren't you glad I'm back on the tour and can bug you all hours of the day?" I laughed.

"Ecstatic." Ben laughed. Josh jumped on the bed next to me and laid is his head over the bed like mine.

"Ben I think you are cheating on me." Josh said.

"And why would you think that?" Ben laughed.

"Because the girl you are cheating on me with is sitting right next to me." Josh said.

"You are such a third wheel." Ben laughed.

"No, I think I'm the third wheel. I can't beat your bromance." I joked. Sky opened the door and came into the room.

"You guys should learn to close your door all the way. It's always cracked open." Sky said.

"Hey Sky." Ben said still lying on the ground.

"So what's the love triangle doing today?" Sky asked.

"Well me and Jordyn were gonna wander around the city." Ben said.

"And I am joining them." Josh said.

"No you're not." Ben said.

"Is this your way of breaking up with me?" Josh gasped.

"Josh you can come. Sky you wanna come too?" I asked.

"Sure. I'm gonna have to break it to Netflix though that I have to cancel our date for today." Sky said. Jeff and Chaz walked in drinking their Panera drinks.

"You know you two should learn to close your door the rest of the way." Chaz said.

"So we've been told." Ben said.

"Ok if we are going to roam the city you need to get dressed." I said to Ben. I sat up on the bed and so did Josh.

"Oh can we come?" Jeff asked.

"The more the merrier!" I said.

"What started out as two is going to end with our whole cast going." Ben laughed. Josh stood up and I jumped on his back.

"What are doing?" Josh laughed.

"I left my purse in my room and I'm too lazy to walk to my room." I said.

"So is this your way of asking me to take you to your room?" Josh asked.

"Yes. LETS GO HORSIE!" I said. He willingly started walking to the elevator. When we got in the elevator I got down off his back.

"So I was thinking we could start by getting breakfast at the little cafe down the street and then-" I was cut off by the elevator suddenly stopping. "What just happened?" I asked.

"Ummm I don't think this elevator is working anymore." Josh said.

"Thank you captain obvious." I said.

"Your welcome sarcastic sally." Josh said.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked. I pulled out my phone and tried to get service. "No service. Ugh this sucks!" I said. I hit the call button on the elevator and they said help was on the way.

"Hey you know, while you were gone we got stuck in an elevator in Canada." Josh said.

"And sadly we are stuck in another one. Elevators just aren't your friend." I laughed.

"Ok well what can we do to pass time?" Josh asked.

"Sleep?" I joked.

"LETS PLAY HEADS UP!" Josh said.

"Again?" I asked.

"Yes! It's a fun game to pass time!" Josh said.

"Fine!" I said. This is going to be interesting.

Ben POV:

"Where the hell are they?" I asked. We had been waiting in my room for 20 minutes for them to come back up.

"Did you call them?" Sky asked.

"Oh no Sky...I didn't think of that." I said sarcastically. "OF COURSE I CALLED THEM." I screamed.

"Yikes." Sky said.

"Maybe they are waiting for us in the lobby." Chaz said. We walked down to the elevator and pressed the button.

"Ok does anybody else hear Jordyn laughing or are the voices in my head just sounding like her right now?" Jeff asked. We all went silent and I could hear her faint laugh.

"No you're not crazy, I hear it too." I said. "JORDYN?" I screamed.

"Why hasn't the elevator come yet?" Chaz asked.

"You don't think...." Sky said. Oh shit, they are stuck in the elevator. We all ran to the stairs and went down two flights.

"JORDYN." I screamed banging on the elevator door.

"BEN?" A voice yelled back.



"Yikes." Sky said. "It's everybody yell at Sky day."


"You know I want to ask if they called for help but I am terrified she's gonna yell at me too." Jeff said. Just then some firefighters came to help. 15 minutes later Josh and Jordyn were free. I went to hug Jordyn when she got out.

"Don't touch me I am sweaty." Jordyn laughed.

"So what did you guys do in there?" Chaz asked.

"Well, I was stuck in there with Josh who had a fully charged phone....take a guess." Jordyn said.

"We played heads up!" Josh smiled.

"The. Whole. Time." Jordyn said seeming annoyed. "Can I go shower? And then we will go roam the city?" Jordyn asked.

"Go ahead." I said.

"I'm taking the stairs this time." Jordyn laughed and she turned and ran.

"Poor Jordyn." Jeff said.


"Aw do you wanna hug Joshie?" I joked.

"No I don't need your pity hug." Josh said. Oi vey.

"The bromance at its finest." Sky said.

"Bros before-" Josh started.

"Do not finish that sentence." I said.

"Well I was gonna say bros before bows but ok." Josh said.

"I don't think you could survive without each other." Chaz laughed.

"I think you all couldn't survive without us." I smiled.

"Yeah ok." Sky laughed.

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