Stop her

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(Don't forget to comment your reaction while you read! Love reading the inline comments! Decided to post this tonight so you all wouldn't have to wait forever)

Ben POV:

I sat on the beach and watched the sunset, wow was it beautiful.

"This island is amazing isn't it." I heard a voice behind me say.

"Hey Em." I said, not even turning around.

"Why you so glum? And where's Jordyn?" Emma asked.

"Jordyn is at the airport probably getting on a plane by now." I said.

"Why aren't you there stopping her?" Emma asked.

"Because....she broke up with me." I said tears forming in my eyes.

"What? Why? And why is she about to get on a plane?" Emma asked.

"She said she needed space and that she needed to focus on her training. And she's getting on a plane to go to New York." I explained.

"Ben you should be at that airport stopping her." Emma said.

"Why? So she can tell me she doesn't love me." I asked.

"Ben, trying to figure out girls is the most confusing thing you will ever do. Trust me. Go." Emma said.

"Emma you didn't hear her. She said she just wants to focus on her training and I don't want to get in the way of that." I said.

"Ben, if you were smart you would take my advice." Emma said. Ugh why are girls so complicated?

Jordyn POV:

"Jordyn you can't leave." Parker said.

"Watch me." I replied.

"Jordyn you aren't thinking straight!" Parker said.

"How about you let me be? I'm going to New York to train and there's nothing you can do to stop me." I said.

"Gosh I have the most hard headed sister in the world!" Parker laughed.

"Stay here Blue. Have fun." I said.

"Well I leave tomorrow evening." He laughed.

"I will be fine Parker." I said.

"But what about Ben." Parker said.

"He will be fine too." I said.

"But what if he's not? Jordyn he loves you." Parker said.

"Can we please not talk about love." I said taking a deep breath. "Love doesn't exist. Listen I have to go through check in. Thanks for driving me here." I said getting out of the car.

"Jordyn don't do this." Parker said.

"If you didn't want me to do this then why did you drive me here?" I asked.

"Because. You are Jordyn Lively. Once you've made up your mind nothing will stop you. If I didn't drive you here I don't even want to imagine how you would've gotten here." Parker laughed.

"I love you Blue." I said.

"I love you too J. That's why I'm letting you make your own decision." Parker said. I closed the door and walked into the airport. Well, there's no going back now. I went through security and got to my gate. I sat down and turned my phone off. This is what's best for me for everybody.

"JORDYN." I heard a voice yell. Oh great, who followed me here. "JORDYN DONT GO." The voice yelled again.

"Now boarding flight 907 to New York." The announcer said. I quickly stood up and grabbed my bag. I just want to go.

"Jordyn stop!" The person said. I felt somebody grab my arm and I turned around.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm not letting you get on that plane." He said.

"You can't stop me." I said.

"Then I'm going with you." He said.

"No! Stay here, it's beautiful here!" I said.

"Then why are you leaving? New York is not as beautiful as here" he told me. He's right.

"I'm leaving to train because I need to. I don't have time for anything but training right now." I said.

"Jordyn either you are staying or I'm going with you." He said.

"I'm going and you are staying and that's that." I said.

"Jordyn." He said. "I'm not letting you go alone. I care about you too much." He said.

"I can't make you do anything. But I'm getting on that plane." I said. I pulled my arm out of his grip and boarded the plane. I sat down in a seat and looked out the window. No going back. This is what you need Jordyn. Somebody sat down in the seat next to me.

"I told you I wasn't letting you go alone." Sky smiled.

"Sky you are crazy! Get off this plane! You don't even have any luggage!" I said.

"I have everything I need in this bag." He said.

"Sky would you-" I started but he cut me off.

"You can't stop me. Now buckle up, we got a long flight ahead of us." Sky laughed. Somebody just as hard headed as me. Great.


"So why did you break up with Ben?" Sky asked when the inflight movie was over.

"Because, I don't have time for a relationship right now." I said.

"Jordyn you are crazy." Sky laughed.

"No I'm not. I need some time for myself. To get back to my basics. I've been slipping out of my basic technique." I said.

"But Ben lo-" sky started.

"Don't say he loves me. Don't." I said.

"But he does!" Sky said.

"Sky please shut up! We are about to land. I don't know where you plan on staying. But I am going to be busy training this whole time." I said.

"Well I will visit you when you aren't training." Sky said.

"Sky please. I need to train." I said.

"You are right. And I will let you train. But I am not letting you drop all communication with friends." Sky said.

"You can stay at the same hotel as me but DO NOT INTERRUPT MY TRAINING OK?" I asked.

"Ok!" Sky laughed. "You are so confusing." Sky laughed again. I looked at him and couldn't help but laugh too. They say Ben loves me, but who came to airport to try and stop me? Not Ben. Sky.

"Thanks for always being there." I said.

"I always will be." Sky said. I laid my head down on his shoulder and closed my eyes. Life's confusing. The worlds confusing. Love is confusing. What is love? Does true love actually exist? Or do you just think you love somebody.

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