Bens Point of View

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Ben POV:

What was I thinking? I was going to kiss her! Or I mean, I think I was. I don't know. I headed back to my dressing room and put my costume on but Jordyn was all that I could think about. But she obviously just wanted to be friends. Nothing more. I need to stop feeling like this about her. Ugh but I can't help it! She's so beautiful! And she's such an amazing person. But as she said, she sees me as her brother. Ugh. I started to stretch and warm up my voice. I have to focus on the show, and not think about Jordyn. And her beautiful smile, and the way she laughs, and the way she hugs me. Ok this isn't working.


I ran off the stage and straight to Jordyn and gave her a huge hug again.

"Jordyn you were amazing again!" I said. I was smiling like a doof.

"Aw thanks Ben! You were great too!" She said. Wow she has the most beautiful smile.

"I'm going to go get changed, meet me outside me dressing room?" I asked.

"Sure!" She turned to go to her dressing room. I turned the other way and ran into a Josh who was standing right behind me.

"Sorry bro, didn't know you were right behind me." I said.

"You like her." Josh said smiling at me.

"No, she's just a friend!" I said.

"Why would you lie to me?" Josh said gasping in an overdramatic voice.

"Can we talk about this later?" I said, I didn't want anyone to hear. Josh moved and let me pass him. I quickly cleaned off my face and put on my street clothes. I walked out of my dressing room and waited for Jordyn. I saw her walking down and I instantly smiled. "Ready for night 2 with the crazy fansies?" I joked. I walked behind her to the stage door. When we opened the door I noticed there were a lot more fans out then usual. And a big group of teenage boys was there too. I stayed behind Jordyn. I stopped and talked to this one girl for a little, she was a big fansie. I looked over at Jordyn and she was now a couple of people ahead of me and almost to the group of boys who were at the end of the line. I didn't want to be rude and leave this fansie but I wanted to catch back up to Jordyn. We took a picture and I moved onto the next person. I looked over at Jordyn again and she was posing for the picture with the teen boys. I noticed one of the guys hands were moving down her back and he grabbed her butt. She jerked away from him and the other guy hit her butt.

"I'm sorry I will be right back." I apologized to the fan and started to walk towards Jordyn. I could hear her her voice now.

"Stop it! Don't touch me!" Jordyn said.

"What, the girl doesn't want to play?" One of the boys said grabbing her boobs. I could see her trying to fight them off but there were too many of them, I ran over.

"Hey leave her alone! Don't make me get security." I threatened.

"What, is the dancing gay boy trying to be a big bad guy?" One of them said. They had Jordyn surrounded in a circle. One grabbed her face and pulled her towards him.

"SECURITY!" I screamed, but then I realized security was still inside since we were one of the firsts out.

"Get off of me!" Jordyn screamed, trying to fight them.

"What? Do you not want to kiss me?" He said. He pulled her face towards his and started to kiss her. I pulled one of the guys back so I could get to Jordyn. One of the dads there tried to break everything up. The one guy let go of her face but held onto her wrist. I walked up to him and punched him in the jaw.

"GET OFF OF HER NOW!" I screamed. He let go of her wrist and security finally came out. Some of the boys ran but they got the guy who had kissed Jordyn. I ran over and grabbed Jordyn.

"Jordyn are you ok?" I asked. She was shaking and her eyes were wide. She wasn't answering me. Security had us surrounded and none of the other newsies were allowed to leave the theater for the time being. "Jordyn talk to me. Let's go back to the hotel ok? You are ok I promise." I refused to let go of her. Security escorted us back to the hotel and allowed the rest of the newsies to come out finally. They had all security at the stage door watching. I took Jordyn up to her room and sat her on her bed. Right when she sat down she burst into tears hugging me.

"Jordyn it's ok, I'm here. I won't leave you, I will stay here all night. I promise. Nothing like that has ever happened before, I don't even know where those guys came from. They didn't have playbills so they obviously didn't come to the show. I'm so sorry I wasn't right beside you to protect you I got caught up talking with a fan. I'm sorry Jordyn, I am so sorry. I promise to keep you safe from now on. Nobody and nothing will ever hurt you again. What those guys did was wrong and if I ever see them I will kick their asses! They had no right to do that to you. Do you need anything? Let me get you some water." I got up from the bed and grabbed her a wattle bottle out of the fridge. I walked back over to the bed and she was lying down. She still hadn't said a word. I handed her the wattle bottle and she sat up to drank it but laid back down. I laid down next to her and she lifted her head so I could put my arm around her. I held her in close, I never wanted to let go. She slowly drifted off to sleep in my arms. I grabbed my phone and checked my messages.

Sky: Hey, is Jordyn ok? They are charging the guys they caught with sexual assault. They are also going to increase stage door security. The guys hadn't come to the show, they were just wandering around the city. The one who kissed her has been charged with sexual assault before. They caught 3 guys but the other 2 got away. Do you want me to come down with you and Jordyn? Me and Josh can come and keep you company.

Me: She isn't talking, but she has fallen asleep. Glad they are pressing charges, wish I could kick their asses. I'm good, I'm just going to fall asleep here, I don't want to leave her alone.

Sky: Glad you are staying with her, she shouldn't be alone.

Me: Should I text her brother?

Sky: Wait until tomorrow, talk to her before you do.

I felt Jordyns head move, she was awake.

"Jordyn, are you ok? Do you wanna talk?" I asked. I didn't want to pressure her.

"Thank you" she said weakly and snuggled into me.

"Just go back to sleep, we can talk tomorrow if you want." I suggested.

"Why would they do that to me? I thought they were just fans." She said so innocently.

"Sky said they were just kids who were roaming around. They caught 3 of them and are charging them with sexual assault. They were bad people, the kind of people your brothers protect you from. And that I failed from protecting you from." I should have been there to save her. I should have stopped all of it from happening.

"No, you didn't do anything wrong Ben. You did save me."

"But if I had stayed by your side-" she cut me off.

"Ben, you were talking to a fan, there's nothing wrong with that. You punched him and saved me. Without you, who knows what they would have done." I looked down at her face, it was still red from where the guy had held her face.

"I promise I will never let anyone hurt you again." Her eyes were sparkling, though her face was still tear stained. I pushed her hair behind her ear. I started to lean close to her face and I put my lips against hers. I couldn't stop myself. I started to kiss her and she kissed back. She put her hands on my face. Her lips were so soft and gentle. She pulled away and smiled. She snuggled back into me and closed her eyes. I laid my head on hers and fell asleep with her in my arms.

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